Saturday, January 25, 2020
Politics in the Pakistan Media
Politics in the Pakistan Media Introduction: When someone brings news to you- you should investigate its credibility first (Quran). Politics is the life blood of media coverage because that forms the reality of perception on which action is based. Political environment is depicted by media. Today, everyone of us has make us more enjoyable and leisure life by watching TV, and they enjoy by listening radio and read magazine and newspaper. People are influenced by shows on TV and articles in the newspaper. Media keeps the people updated and informed about what is happening around the world. Not only people have positive impacts on the TV, they have negative impact too. They are informed and are intouch with the upcoming news. People should get aware of the information they get that can be dangerous in their minds. The TVs permeate their lives, guiding us what are we supposed to wear, how we are supposed to look and act. Television not only give positive but negative effects as well on the viewers of talkshows, many studies have impact of television on society. Mostly young ones are more affected by this. 14 August 1947 when 1st time these words were spoken instead of this is all India radio by Zahoor Azher in English and Mustafa Ali Hamadani in Urdu building of radio Pakistan Karachi built in 1950. In Pakistan Television was 1st introduce in the excitation near Mezare Quaid on 16 September. In 1955, it was a small source of entertainment and short circuit television came into being (Pakistan corporation limited PTV). 1st official television station commenced transmission telecast from Lahore. In Karachi 1966; In 1974 Peshawar and Quetta , In 1991-1992 original telecast work in black and white PTV launched a full-scale satellite telecasting services. PTV news , PTV national , PTV bolan (BOLOUCHI) , PTV Global (dish network) . In 15 July 1990 , 1st private channel NTM ( network television marketing ) was launched. On 1st March 2002 General Pervez Musharaf issued the ordinance for launching the private channels. Nearly 100 channels can see on TV like GEO , ARY , HUM , DUNIYA , SAMA , WAQAT , EXPRESS , CITY42 , MASALA , ZAUQ , GEO sports , Qtv , AJJ , etc , which is based on news , sports , religion , informative , documentary , music , cooking , business , political etc . Abdul Razaq Yaqoob (ARY) has leading private channels chain in Pakistan ( Javaid,2012) . History of talk show is quite long, and it represents first formats of programing in tv history. While the greater part of the early shows was geared towards politics and Government, a number of celebrity-oriented shows began to start up during the 1960s. In 1070s, talk shows were replaced by game shows.a host figures and anchors always host the talk shows usually consist of groups of people who are learned and who get a great experience to whatever issue is being discussed on the episode of the show. A call-in show is that in which anchors takes the live call. Pakistani media is very lively. Current Affair programs or Talk Shows is most important format of private television channels. There are multi-dimensional role of Talk Shows or Current Affair Programs in Pakistani society : to inform to educate to formulate public opinion Current Affair Program or Talk Shows have great impact on politics , social values , life styles of people , relationship of masses and foreign policy. There are many Pakistani Talk Shows that are fulfulling our masses needs. For example : GEO Talk Shows ( AJJ RAAT KAMRAN KHAN K SATH ) , ( CAPITAL TALK ) ARY Talk Shows ( KHARA SACH ) , ( ) In theses talk shows , ask soft questions about our country crises due to this viewers like these programs because in these Talk Shows everyone fights and the anchor are expert in engaging people in fight with each other. Talk Shows is a TV program in which single anchor or more than one anchor have a conversation on different current affairs, participants of the talk shows are usually educated. They have great information experience about the current issues happening around the world. In some of the talk shows a single guest tells about their life experience, their work , career etc. the most important aspect of talk show is to spread awareness to give information to others etc. Nowadays people not only think about politics but they even are very interested in each and everything about talks ahows and happenings in it. By the talk shows nowadays viewers judge who is better what is good which political party they should give their votes to, and who will be the next leader this all helps the viewers to know more about it. Rationale of the study: The present study on â€Å"role of anchor of news channels creating political awareness in youth†. The researcher selected this topic to measure the role of news anchors to create political awareness among youth. Nowadays in Pakistan political issues are increasing day by day and almost every news channel is showing talk shows. Through these talk shows everyone got to know the political situation and issues happening in our country. Youth is the major part of our country on which our country development lies. From these talk shows people specially our youth came to know about political issues of our country. This study will also useful for our government. Objectives To find out the impact of talk shows Anchors in creating political awareness among youth in Lahore. To measure the level of political worth based on political participation and political awareness among youth in Lahore. To find out the knowledge of respondent about politics. Hypothesis Hi- Political Talk Shows motivate youth to take part in politics. Ho- Political Talk Shows are just for awareness of political issues. Hi- Talk Shows increase political efficacy among youth of Pakistan Ho- Talk Shows are informational live program for update of news in detail. Hi- Political talk shows increase the knowledge of respondents. Questions Do you think the role of talk shows Anchors effect the mind of youth in Lahore ? Do you think the Anchors play effective role in reporting a leader’s position? Is Anchors are providing proper information about political issue to their youth? Don’t you think that these political talk shows just give benefits to their channels? Are talk shows guided by the guests rather than anchor? Literature review Kabir (1965) states in his study that television has ability and it changes the tradition in the society and also has power to change the social rules of the society, television enforce the society to adopt new trends and made them part of their lives. . The purpose of the study is to measure the impact of t.v programs in the behaviors and the standard of living towards media. Roper (1975) as quoted by Mark (1982) in his research concluded that people habitually got most of the news about what is going on in the world from TV . When Ropers organization asked a national cross-section about this in 1974 , 65% replied TV and only 47% said newspapers. Rmeez Ahmad from the University of Punjab found that Talk Shows are increasing the political awareness and socialization of the viewers. Although respondents have awareness to talk shows they dont participate in politics. It showed the passive attitude of the young towards politics. Talk Shows of Pakistan TV channels are now an enjoyable battle of two political parties instead of conclusion on different issues or problems and demand from the people. Bilal et al. in 2012 consummated a study on talk shows on Pakistani TV. Their objective was to explore the relationship between spoken words and ideology of the Talk Shows anchors. They picked up two Talk Shows from GEO TV and they found that anchors try to maintain Talk Shows intentionally by setting agendas. However, Yousuf in 2012 states that Talk Shows are creating political awareness im Pakistan. Researcher showed that Pakistani electronic media is more informative. Talk Shows are playing a major role in shaping awareness. The researcher has conducted surveys. The study found that, TV viewers watch Talk Shows regularly and that they consider Talk Shows to be an informative program. A grand majority 96% of viewers believed that, Talk Shows can provide political knowledge and generate awareness to the public. Politics means social relations involving authority or power and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy. According to Hegel, Political History is an idea of the state with a moral and spiritual force beyond the material interests of its subjects: it followed that the state was the main agent of historical change ( Hegel, 1991). Aristotle concludes that man is a political animal : we can only achieve the good life by living as citizen in a state. Afsheen (2002 cited in saghir, 2009), in her article: As far as news Talk Shows section is concerned , private TV channels are doing well. In the discussion on ARY and GEO , people belonging to different political parties and areas of Pakistan express their views. They try to cover all the important occurring in Pakistan either having international values or not. So it is really a good sign that is public can get hold of all the information without censor or distortion of facts in governments favor. Today people not only think over it but also talk about politics. They know each and everything today due to political talk shows and also can judge who is better and should be next Leader and can work better for their country. ( politics portal, 2012). Four different ways of measuring the impact of anchor of Talk Shows have been used in previous research : stoichiometric techniques , interviews with key information , observation , and self-designating techniques (Jacoby , 1974; Rogers Cartano 1962 , Weismann 1994). The prominent measurements have always been self-designating techniques, because they can easily be administered in survey. Rees in 2007 said that uniqueness of the opinion in not special to the set-up of the talk shows. he states, In TV programs , we find normal arguments produce in normal ways, but intensified by the pressures of the specific purpose and layout of the show , hosts elicit arguments to increase the entertainment value of the show; participants use arguments to detract their opponents image and to enhance their own image. Alina , Marukh and Rana (2006) conducted the research level of interest in TV programs channels and its impact on personal aspiration of youth. For the conducted research, the greater the level of interest in TV programs, the greater will be the impact on personal aspiration of the students. Further, to find out the relationship, if any , between the level of interest in TV programs and its impact on personal aspiration. The study conducted by Daheem , Misbah and Atif (2007) , research of impact of political communication through electronic media on party loyalty. For the conduction of the present research , the researchers chose Pakistan Peoples Party that the division or categorization amongst this party has been seen to a much lower extent as compared to other contemporary political parties. Researchers also observed that the element of loyalty exists muh more in PPP as compared with other parties of its own level. Theoretical Framework There are many theories which are related to media and influence individual directly, proportionally, immediately etc. These theories have different means to the media and their users. Many theories come into this framework that can relate the topic of researcher. But researcher discussed the one theory which is : Two-Step-Flow of communication. Introduction Of The Theory: The two-step flow of communication theory was first introduce by Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson , and Hazel Gaudet in The Peoples Choice, a 1944 study focused on the process of decision-making. These researchers expected to find empirical support for the direct influence of media message on their viewers. This theory assert the information from the media moves in two distinct stages. First, individuals(opinion leaders) who pay close attention to the mass media and its message receive the information. Opinion leaders pass on their own interpretations in addition to the actual media content. The term personal influence was coined to refer to the process intervening between the medias direct message and the audiences ultimate reaction to that message. Opinion leaders are quite influential in getting people to change their attitudes and behaviors and are quite similar to those they influence. The two-step floe theory has improved the understanding of how the mass media influence decision making. The theory refined the ability to predict the influence of media messages on audience behavior, and it helped why certain media campaigns may have failed to alter audience attitudes and behavior. Application Of The Theory: The theory describes that Talk Shows are answerable for refining viewers about the idea of political and social truth. This situation is clearly exposed by research which seeks to establish what audience can and do understand about and from the mass media. Such researches have shown that audience can talk intelligently, perform the way they see something influenced by media. The mass media may not be successful in telling people what to think , but mass media successful in telling what to think about. Media and the political talk shows creating awareness among audience and youth about the current situation of their country. The TWO-STEP FLOW THEORY asserts the following points: the information is transferred not only by the medium but also through interpersonal communication. There are people between the medium and the interpersonal communication network which are called opinion leaders or Anchor persons. The influence of such opinion leaders or Anchor persons is significantly larger than that of the medium. Research Methodology: Current Affair Programs are main source of television. It is playing a main role in creating political awareness among youth in Lahore. Mass Media is the source of influencing people to participate in politics and this is the only source of creating awareness in citizens that how to improve and run our political system. People are mainly affected by the news and news Current Affair Programs that are on air on different news channel of Pakistan around the clock. Research Design/Method: The design used by the researcher is survey design. Research Tool: The researcher used questionnaire . The questionnaire was usually developed to measure the role of Anchor persons in creating political awareness among youth in Lahore . close ended question were used. Close ended question allow the respondent to answer free and unbiased responses. Population: The population includes viewers of current affairs talk shows . So in this research the population is selected of youth in Lahore both Male and Female of ages 18 to 25. Sample: Different institutions of Lahore ( Kinnaird college , Lahore college , Punjab university and LUMS ) Accidental / Convenience Sampling : This sampling is used to collect data . A sample of 200 people has been selected. Department of media studies and political science are selected of chosen universities . The following universities have been selected randomly to conduct a survey among youth in Lahore Kinnaird college for women Lahore college for women Punjab university LUMS Variables: Daily watching Talk Shows creating awareness among youth Positive viewpoint about the country Political involvement 4.7Control Variable: Age 18-26 Respondents: Students or Youth 4.8 Statistical Analysis: The statistical software used is Mini Tab
Friday, January 17, 2020
Computer Rentals Essay
[1.a] Using the dimensions we discussed in class, how would you describe Mitchell Gold Co.’s strategic position? Mitchell Gold competes by offering high quality products at a lower price than most makers of similar quality furniture. They offer limited variety in comparison to other makers, which allows them to be more responsive and deliver orders in a timely manner (97% on time shipment). [1.b] Consider the following description of another furniture maker’s (Invincible IPF) business: The standard product line has about 500 different items, with many of the pieces starting as stock, unfinished wooden frames imported from Europe. But the finished furniture can be as different as the imaginations of the designers, with 60 different standard finishes for the wood and an almost unlimited selection of upholstery provided by designers. †¦ Because each piece is hand finished by rag and brush and made to order, the process can take 12 weeks or longer, with one custom-made entertainment cabinet nearing completion after almost six months. (The Record, Bergen County, NJ, 12/09/2001) How would you anticipate that Mitchell Gold’s production processes differ from those of Invincible IPF? Be sure to discuss the nature of the production equipment and the placement of inventory. MG offers less variety and has greater volume than Invincible. Consequently, MG likely uses more specialized equipment while Invincible has primarily general-purpose equipment. Since designers provide upholstery provided for custom orders, Invincible should have little raw material and no finished goods. MG likely has higher raw material and finished goods inventory. Given the long flow times, Invincible likely has much higher WIP levels. Question 2 [2.a] In The Goal, Jonah asks Alex 3 questions: Did your throughput increase? Did your inventories decline? Did your process cost decline? Define each of the three italicized terms for a process and explain why a positive answer to each of the three questions may be classified as an improvement. Throughput corresponds to the rate at which flow units flow through the process. Throughput in general should correspond to sales not production. If the product has a positive margin, an increase in throughput increases positive cash flows. Inventories correspond to the number of flow units within process boundaries. Decreasing inventories decreases the amount of working capital required. It also decreases any reduction in inventory value due to obsolescence. Process cost refers to the cost incurred in transforming inputs to outputs. A reduction in process cost increases margin and thus profitability. [2.b] Many enlightened firms have made flow time reduction a key objective. Discuss under which conditions a reduction in flow time improves performance of a process in terms of the modules we have discussed: 1. strategic & competitive impact: Reducing flow time allows a firm to target customer segments that may want a faster response. It also allows a firm to be more responsive to volume and taste changes of the customer. 2. impact on financial flows: Cash is tied up as working capital for a shorter amount of time. 3. impact on critical path: The critical path gets shorter. 4. impact on bottlenecks: Bottleneck capacity may go up only if the flow time at the bottleneck is reduced. 5. impact on lean operations: Generally allows a firm to operate with lower levels of inventory. Also shortens the time lag between introduction and detection of defects. [2.c] List three ways to increase the capacity of a process. Consider the likely relative cost of implementing these changes and present them in order from cheapest to most expensive to implement. Explain the rationale for your ordering. Option 1:Decrease work at the bottleneck resource (e.g. by moving QC before bottleneck) Option 2: Move work from a bottleneck to a non-bottleneck resource. Option 3:Add to the bottleneck resource Rationale: Moving QC before the bottleneck is a very simple change that eliminates work even if quality does not improve. Moving work from a bottleneck to a non-bottleneck resource requires training and changed capability at the non-bottleneck resource. Adding to the bottleneck clearly requires additional investment. Question 3 The three hair stylists, Francois, Bernard and Mimi (FBM) run a Fast Service Hair Styling Saloon for busy professionals in the Gold Coast area of downtown Chicago. They stay open between 6:45 AM – 9:00PM in order to fit to a large variety of people’s work schedules. In their fast service location, they perform only shampooing and hair styling activities. On average, it takes 10 min to shampoo, 15 min to style the hair and 5 minutes to bill the customer. The store layout is shown below. It consists of a shampooing area, which can accommodate 3 customers at a time and a styling area with 4 desks, which have fully integrated hair-modeling equipment.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Essay on Odysseus as Pawn of the Gods in Homers Odyssey
Odysseus as Pawn of the Gods in The Odyssey Throughout literature characters have relied upon entities greater then themselves to furnish them with aid as they meet the many challenges they must face. The Odyssey is a tale of Odysseus’ epic journey and the many obstacles that bar his return home. But Odysseus is not alone in this struggle and receives aid from many gods, especially the clear-eyed goddess Athena. There are times when Odysseus beseeches the gods for aid, but other times he is too foolhardy to receive aid from even the immortal gods. In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus’ journey revolves around the cyclical phases of his dependence, independence and his return to reliance upon the gods’ aid. While with Calypso†¦show more content†¦The clear-eyed goddess Athena herself tells Telemachus that †¦not unbefriended of the gods have you been born and bred (19). Her reference highlights Telemachus’ greatest inheritance, which is the aid of the immortal gods. Even Nestor, a mortal, notes the aid which Telemachus receives from the gods, and marvels that Telemachus must be truly favored †¦if when so young the gods become [his] guides (26). Such qualities in Telemachus constantly remind the reader of the dependence on the gods’ aid Odysseus has developed in his travels. Though Odysseus is as great a man as ever lived, he is still only mortal and at the gods’ mercy. Odysseus does not control his own destiny, but instead the gods determine what shall befall him and whether he shall ever reach his home. Odysseus is only a man and hard is a god for mortal man to master (36) even if he is great amongst his brethren. Odysseus can not control the gods anymore then he can control his fate and so he is left at their mercy. Even Zeus, who gives Odysseus many signs, will sometimes deal Odysseus woe which he is powerless to stop. To avenge the Sun god upon Odysseus’ evil crew, †¦Zeus with a gleaming bolt smote [Odysseus’] swift ship and wrecked it in the middle of the wine-dark sea (47). Such acts illustrate the control that the gods exercise over Odysseus and his inability to deliver himself from woe. As Odysseus begins his journeyShow MoreRelated Odysseus’ Search for Purpose in Homers Odyssey Essay1419 Words  | 6 PagesOdysseus’ Search for Purpose in The Odyssey     As a wayfarer in life, The Odyssey focuses on life’s greater purpose through the fulfillment of destiny, perseverance, and loyalty. These three themes recur continuously throughout Odysseus’ journey, molding life’s greater vision. Odysseus comes to understand his purpose in life by remaining true to these major themes as he faces and conquers each obstacle in his journey. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Short Story - 1421 Words
â€Å"About that, I was wondering if it pleases you if you would leave the confines of our shuttle?†Hershel asked gingerly. â€Å"But of course†Sios replied â€Å"Save for one line to continue communications, if that is acceptable†â€Å"More than acceptable and muchly appreciated†Hershel said with another overly dramatic bow. With that the dust storm that had invaded the shuttle left it in a whirl. Ange seeing her love conduct himself so elegantly in that political negotiations with an alien life form she beamed with affection and approached Herschel and said â€Å"Excuse me, Mr Ambassador may I disturb you?†Ange said in a sexy voice and kissed him tenderly. Hershel not aware he was being watched said â€Å"Indeed my lady. Do you require anything else?††¦show more content†¦Care to join me?†Kohen said heading towards the Unseen. â€Å"Yes, I think I will.†Stated Bergess and turned to follow him. As they reached the shuttle he noticed Hershel and Ange were deep in conversation with Sios and smiled. Who’d ever thought those two grease monkeys would be ambassadors to the human race. Reaching the shuttle he was relieved that true to their word Sios had cleared out of the shuttle and it look like it did when the had left Untold. He took a quick peek in the engine intakes that had near crashed them from causing a catastrophic over heating of the engines and emergency shut down, they were clear and maybe just a little shinier from a quick sandblast. Opening a near cargo closet he took out a camping cot that could be converted in to a large beach chair and also grabbed a sunshade to escape the noonday suns. Bergess headed over to the galley and quickly whipped up a couple sandwiches and made some fresh lemonade. Having completed the impromptu picnic she headed back outside to find Kohen half-asleep, dozing in the suns. â€Å"Hey hun would you like a some lunch before your siesta?†Bergess asked. â€Å"That would be awesome†replied Kohen and greatly accepted the food and drink. They sat there eating in silence each one lost in their thoughts admiring the view when Hershel came wandering over leaving Ange alone with Sios. â€Å"Hey, hey now that’s an idea. DidShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Characteristics †¢Short - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a single impression or effect.  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing personal experiences and prior knowledge to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words  | 5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. 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