Monday, December 23, 2019
The Media s Influence On Women Essay - 810 Words
Those media with tendentious views always lead to people deepen misconceptions. The media prefer to use hyper-sexualized images to sell products, ideas, and services keep people’s eyes. In fact, using hyper-sexualized images to sell products, ideas, and services is just good for enterprise, but it will change people’s idea, and keep women in an unfair state. In addition, the media catch people’s mentality, which are people are more interested in what did not know before, or they do not have. For men, the easiest way to realize female figure is from the Internet. Even the media will representation directly by advertising, music, and something else. Men will consider the fact thing is what they see. For women, when they see a woman with great figure, they will consider themselves, and also want to be like what they see. Therefor, they will think the important point is appearance for women. All things like values also depend on her appearance. Due to the media can c hange people mind little by little, for a woman, I think the most useful way to avoid change personal view by media is having women role models and mentors. Models will save women who are in adversity. When a woman lack of understanding, she can use the model’s experience to motivate herself. E4I have a role model whose name is Christine Lagarde. I known her was from once I do my assignment, and I searched lot of background information about her. I found her is really excellent. Based on International Monetary Fund,Show MoreRelatedMedia s Influence On Women Essay1628 Words  | 7 PagesMedia enforces the social-cultural standards, which women are required to follow in order to look and behave in a manner that society considers acceptable. Newspapers, commercials, posters, magazines, fliers, reality shows, and cartoons only name a few of our everyday interaction with the media (Scholar, C.2011). However, these standards presented by media send a false perception of women, t hus portraying women in a negative and disrespectful manner. Society views woman as mentally, morally, andRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Women1729 Words  | 7 PagesThe way the media portrays the female gender is far from realistic, and consequently, the pressure to put your ‘best’ self forward has never been more prevalent. Each time I see a model on the cover of a magazine, or even a slightly altered photo, I find myself making comparisons. Unfortunately, even knowing that most cover images are digitally altered, the question of how my own body measures up still haunts me. Since the average American female will collect over 250,000 persuasive media messages byRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Women1659 Words  | 7 Pagesbehavior as well. Women on television are constantly fighting, backstabbing, and being obnoxious in attempts to be recognized in the celebrity world. The media is the leading outlet to the people of the world. It affects everybody whether yo u want to believe it or not. Body dissatisfaction is defined as â€Å"a negative subjective evaluation of the weight and shape of one’s own body†. (Eating Disorders). Body dissatisfaction is very common in women, but more in young girls. The media portrays women as a prizeRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Women1909 Words  | 8 Pagesdifferent societal views. In America, famous, wealthy women exposed their pregnancy to the whole world. Most celebrities do this through the use of media. The way media revealed child bearing is through nude photos of pregnant celebrities: mothers covering their breasts with one hand, while placing, or holding their baby bump with their other hand. Although many portrayed this act as innocent and beautiful, others claim it is immoral and wrong, believing women should reveal their pregnancy with respect toRead MoreMedia Influence On Women s Body Image1688 Words  | 7 Pagesthe female sex, especially through media. â€Å"Americans sp end about 68 hours per week exposed to various forms of media†(US Census Bureau 2009). This media exposure through outlets such as t.v., radio, music videos, movies, and the internet, all influence the way people think about gender. The media influence is very evident in the way people view women and think about women in different cultures. Media influence on women creates negative viewpoints with how women view themselves and even how men viewRead MoreMedia s Influence On Beauty Standards Of Women1213 Words  | 5 PagesMedia’s Influence on Beauty Standards of Women There are several types of social standards that are held in the world today. Among those standards are the beauty standards of how women should look. This is one of the most talked about topic of discussions today. It is safe to say that the media is the reason to blame for these undocumented sets of beauty standards that women should abide by because of the types of women that are portrayed through the media. The unrealistic beauty standards the mediaRead MoreSocial Media s Influence On Women1249 Words  | 5 Pages Throughout history women specifically have felt the need to change their physical appearance in order to be accepted by societies beauty ideal. Social media has influenced women to believe that the word â€Å"beauty†defines the outward appearance according to the internets definition  â€Å"beauty is a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.†The definition itself allows anyone to mistakenly interpret the word â€Å"beauty†to determineRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Women s Body1102 Words  | 5 Pagesthe way women’s bodies are portrayed in the media. This also brings about an even greater problem; the manipulation of photographs. The media have perpetuated what is the ideal weight for a woman thus creating pressures for women to be that ideal. Are the media acting ethically by inaccurately portraying women? Should pictures that are altered carry warning labels? One of the biggest media industries to blame for the thin ideal representation of women is the advertising industry. Unlike journalismRead MoreMedia s Influence On Women s Thin Ideal Essay1538 Words  | 7 Pagesthe poor and marginalized. Working as a community to help those around you through the good and bad times. Having special concern for those in need. men and women who will live not for themselves, but for the service to God, to make those that suffer have the support they need in order to get back on their feet. Media s Influence on Women s Thin-Ideal Internalization Sociocultural factors, or in other words, customs, lifestyles and values that characterize a society or group, play a large partRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Women And Its Consequences On The Society1306 Words  | 6 PagesThe media advertisements promote gender stereotypical images and create a negative impact on the society. The advertisements in any form, such as television ads, magazine photos, textual contents or movies, perpetuate the gender inequality and expect different genders to perform in a certain way only. In her article†Hunger as Ideology,†Susan Bordo analyzed several media advertisements and represented how brand promotions have used gender based identity to increase the demand and desire of their
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Which Is More Effective In Reducing Arm Lymphoedema For Breast Cancer Patients Free Essays
string(88) " should be performed in all patients who undergo operative treatment for breast cancer\." Breast cancer treatment involves different aspects like through surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, bone marrow transplant, oophorectomy, and adrenalectomy. With this kind of treatments, the patient may develop arm lymphoedema due to the surgery to remove lymph nodes or radiotherapy to the lymph nodes in the armpit. If lymphoedema is not treated, it will get worse. We will write a custom essay sample on Which Is More Effective In Reducing Arm Lymphoedema For Breast Cancer Patients or any similar topic only for you Order Now It can be painful and make it difficult to move the arm. This complication can lead to systemic infections and localized swelling that will be very hard to bear. But today, lymphoedema is becoming less common. This is because specialists now try to avoid giving women both surgery and radiotherapy to the armpit. Having surgery and radiotherapy to the armpit greatly increases the risk of damaging the lymph nodes and causing lymphoedema. It is important that the patient know about his or her disease and the risk of developing lymphoedema. Poor drainage of the lymphatic system due to surgical removal of the lymph nodes or to radiation therapy may make the affected arm or leg more susceptible to serious infection. Even a small infection may lead to serious lymphoedema. Patients should be taught about arm care after surgery and/or radiation. It is important that patients take precautions to prevent injury and infection in the affected arm because lymphoedema can occur 30 or more years after surgery. Breast cancer patients who follow instructions about skin care and proper exercise after mastectomy are less likely to experience lymphoedema. As management of lymphoedema, compression bandages and manual lymphatic drainage are the mostly used care for such patients. Statement Of Fact After treatment, some things can increase fluid collection in your arm and increase your risk of lymphoedema. These include Infection in a cut or graze, insect bites, severe sunburn, putting too much strain on your arm too early. But this can be prevented by not using your arm for anything heavy until you are told you can, not letting anyone take blood, give injections or take your blood pressure from the treated arm, unless it is an emergency and there is no alternative, wearing gloves when gardening or doing housework, taking care when playing with pets, using insect repellent and high factor sunscreen, using nail clippers rather than scissors and not pushing your cuticles back, using an electric razor rather than a manual one if you shave under your arms, avoiding anything that will increase the temperature of your skin, like very hot baths or showers, sitting too close to a heater, saunas, steam rooms and sun beds, using a non scented moisturizer or oil on your skin each day to help it stay moist and supple, using a thimble when sewing, continuing to do the arm and shoulder exercises you were taught after your surgery. If you do get a cut or scratch on your arm, however small, wash it well and cover it un til healed. If you see any redness or swelling around the cut, see your GP straight away. You may need antibiotic. Lymphoedema can start at any time after there have been treated for breast cancer. It is important to take these precautions for the rest of life. If lymphoedema has occurred already, it can be managed by exercises that help the fluid to drain from your arm, compression bandages or by manual lymphatic drainage. Definition of Terms: 1. Lymph – a pale coagulable fluid that bathes the tissues, passes into the lymphatic channels and ducts, is discharged into the blood by way of the thoracic duct, and consists of a liquid portion resembling blood plasma and containing white blood cells but normally no red blood cells. 2. Lymphatic – a vessel that contains or conveys lymph, that originates as an interfibrillar or intracellular cleft or space in a tissue or organ. 3. Lymph node – any of the rounded masses of lymphoid tissue that are surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue , are distributed along the lymphatic vessels, and contain numerous lymphocytes which filter the flow of lymph passing through the node. 4. Arm Lymphoedema – swelling of the arm and armpit due to the treatment of breast cancer by surgery or radiation. 5. Lymphoedema – edema due to faulty lymphatic drainage. 6. Breast cancer – a carcinoma in the breast 7. Axillary lymph clearance – operative management for disease control in invasive breast cancer, obtaining prognostic information and influencing postoperative therapy including the choice of breast cancer trials. Main Body The management of lymphoedema consists of compression bandages, manual lymphatic drainage, or by exercises but shou ld be done by trained or specialist person. Mostly used now are the compression bandages and the manual lymphatic drainage. In using the management of lymphoedema, the patient should have passed the axillary lymph clearance. Axillary node clearance is the established operative management for disease control in invasive breast cancer, obtaining prognostic information and influencing postoperative therapy including the choice of breast cancer trials. Dying of Breast Cancer in the 1800s iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="e4RLxn6N05" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Dying of Breast Cancer in the 1800s#8221; #8212; Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe Axillary node clearance can be defined as clearing the axillary contents bounded by the axillary skin laterally, latissimus dorsi, teres major and subscapularis posteriorly, the lower border of the axillary vein superiorly, pectoralis muscles anteriorly, and the chest wall medially. The levels of axillary nodes are anatomically defined as level one (inferolateral to pectoralis minor), level two (posterior to pectoralis minor) and level three (superomedial to pectoralis minor). There are alternatives to level one, two and three axillary node clearance for breast cancer. Some surgeons simply excise the lower axillary nodes (level one), others believe, particularly for small or impalpable cancers, that an axillary node sample taking a minimum of 4 nodes is a satisfactory alternative. Most recently the concept of sentinel node biopsy (reviewed by McIntosh and Purushotham in 1998) has been exciting great interest. Current recommendations, by a range of surgical and oncological groups, are that some form of axillary surgery, and hence axillary staging, should be performed in all patients who undergo operative treatment for breast cancer. You read "Which Is More Effective In Reducing Arm Lymphoedema For Breast Cancer Patients" in category "Papers" It is no longer acceptable to ignore the axilla if performing surgery for breast cancer. The axilla is one of the area with lymph nodes mostly affected by breast cancer and the patient who finished the axillary lymph clearance will then be undergoing the management of compression bandages or the manual lymphatic drainage. There is no cure for lymphoedema, which makes proper care and treatment of the affected arm even more important. Compression bandaging, also called wrapping, is the application of several layers of padding and short-stretch bandages to the involved areas. Short-stretch bandages are preferred over long-stretch bandages (such as those normally used to treat sprains), as the long-stretch bandages cannot produce the higher tension necessary to safely reduce Lymphoedema and may in fact end up producing a tourniquet effect. During activity, whether exercise or daily activities, the short-stretch bandages enhance the pumping action of the lymph vessels by providing increased resistance for them to push against. This encourages lymphatic flow and helps to soften fluid-swollen areas. Compression bandages gives comfort to the patient through giving pressure and compression in the affected area specifically in the arm and armpits. It serves as a support in the said area preventing further swelling and redness. Practitioners may want to encourage long-term and consistent use of compression bandages by women with lymphoedema. Its advantage is in terms of support and comfort to the patient and less invasive. Compression bandages may also protect the extremity from injuries such as burns, lacerations and insect bites. The compression bandage has its benefits such as it is less costly and patient does not need further effort to use it because it is for support and pressure in the specified area. In contrast to compression bandages, another management to lymphoedema is through manual lymphatic drainage. One of the main treatments for lymphoedema is a massage-like technique called manual lymphatic drainage that helps to stimulate the lymphatic vessels. However, massage, the way people generally think of massage, is a vigorous technique that can cause an increase in fluid production. The type of massage that is used to treat lymphoedema is a very gentle technique. Lymphatic massage is directed towards the heart from the fingertips, up the arm, towards the shoulder, and there are very specific directions and strokes that are used in this particular massage. A very specialized type of massage called manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is an important part of the treatment of lymphoedema. To be effective in treating lymphoedema, it is important to use the correct technique. The aim of the massage is to stimulate or move the excess fluid away from the swollen area so that it can drain away normally. Massage also encourages and improves drainage in the healthy lymphatics (which helps keep fluid away from swollen areas). Manual lymphatic drainage differs from ordinary massage – it is very gentle and aims to encourage movement of lymph away from swollen areas. MLD is particularly useful if there is swelling in the face, breast, abdomen, genitals or elsewhere on the trunk. As this is a specialized form of massage, it should be given only by a trained therapist. There are some other different techniques including the Vodder, Foldi, Leduc or Casley-Smith methods. Therapists should be trained in at least one of these. The aim of this massage is to stimulate the lymph channels on the trunk to clear the way ahead so excess fluid can drain away. The skin is always moved away from the swollen side. You will find it easier to start with one hand, and then swap to the other as you move across the body. Before and after MLD, breathing exercises can help to stimulate lymphatic drainage. This can be done by letting the patient sit upright in a comfortable chair or lie on your bed with your knees slightly bent. Rest his hands on ribs and let patient take deep breaths to relax. This exercise should be done 5 times and there should be short rests before getting up to avoid dizziness. Manual lymphatic drainage is improved during exercise; therefore, exercise is important in preventing lymphoedema. Breast cancer patients should do hand and arm exercises as instructed after mastectomy. Patients who have surgery that affects pelvic lymph node drainage should do leg and foot exercises as instructed. The doctor decides how soon after surgery the patient should start exercising. Physiatrists (doctors who specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation) or physical therapists should develop an individualized exercise program for the patient. The advantage of the manual lymphatic drainage as management of lymphoedema is that it gives opportunity for open wounds to drain with gentle massage and excess exudates to drain freely without pressure. In terms of the disadvantage side of the management of lymphoedema, it differs also. In compression bandages, there is an exemption in placing it especially if the affected area has an open wound or has an ample amount of drainage in the area or with pus. The pressure given by the compression bandage can even more contribute to the entry of microorganisms or infection to occur. This may cause another disease process to start and give greater complications to the patient. Compression bandages are probably the most difficult problem is in the maintenance and control of lymphoedema before, during and after treatment. Patients may be noncompliant with using compression garments because the garments are unsightly, uncomfortable, difficult to put on and expensive. Customized, lightweight and colourful garments may be an option for comfort and wear. As for the manual lymph drainage, its disadvantage is in terms of the inaccurate use of the MLD of the one giving care which can also rupture other lymph nodes in the area and also as well as the hygienic process in giving the manual lymphatic drainage. Some patients also experience some discomfort on such procedure as the drainage is in its process. The preference in such procedures is by the patient by giving proper education and explanation on each management. Conclusion Both compression bandages and manual lymphatic drainage as management of arm lymphoedema gives comfort and benefit to the patient giving different of care to the patient in relieving such discomfort. Both have advantages and disadvantages to consider but what matters most is the greater care and comfort the patient gets in being free of pain and swelling in such areas which would be very difficult for the patient to do the activities of daily living with an arm that cannot be moved and with great amount of pain being experienced. It also is extremely important to remember that a certified lymphoedema therapist needs to either perform the treatment or educate the patient and/or family members in self-care techniques, once the patient has gone through an intensive treatment program. The therapist will design the treatment plan based on the severity of the lymphoedema. It can also depend on the type of reimbursement patients can get from their health plans. In my practice, for example, we would treat a patient with a mild upper extremity lymphoedema for a five-day period, including of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), bandaging, exercise, and also education in self-care. So by the end of the five days, usually the patient is able to manually drain the limb and follow a home program. There is no greater comparison on both management, the physician orders such management for the patient’s welfare and fast recovery yet this lymphoedema does not have the accurate cure but just the rehabilitation to the pain and swelling to the arms and its surrounding areas. It may be done by compression bandage or manual lymph drainage, it all points out to the care of the patient that lessens the access of infection, occurrence of pain and swelling. How to cite Which Is More Effective In Reducing Arm Lymphoedema For Breast Cancer Patients, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Network and Security
Question: Discuss about the Network and Security. Answer: Sensitive instructions: the sensitive instruction sets are those which tends to interact with the system hardware. Both the control and behavior sensitive instructions fall in this category of instruction set (Pan and Liu 2015). The control sensitive instructions are those which can change the configuration of the resources. On the other hand the instructions that are dependent on the resource configuration for its result, is called the behavior sensitive instruction set. Benefits and the drawbacks of the Oversubscription For the virtualization it can be said Virtualization empowers the servers or specifically the data centers to concentrate on the requirements of business applications. In addition with that the virtualization also makes the resource allocation to the application more complex (Ferdaus et al., 2014). To overcome these complexities of allocation of the resources, the administrators try to oversubscribe the physical assets on a host with the goal of expanding the quantity of workloads on a host. The oversubscription of the resources happens when the requests from the clients for the resource exceeds the actual amount of the available physical resources. By doing this the different resources like the servers, services, storage spaces are shared. While the different strategies are developed to use the resources optimally, its observed that the most of the resources remains idle at the highest work load. So the different benefits of suing the oversubscription of the resources are Proper use of resources: The oversubscription helps in reducing the waste and operational cost of the resources and improving the amount of revenues from the business (Beloglazov 2013). More number of users: By using the oversubscription method for the resources it can be possible to serve more number of customers by proper utilization of smaller portion of the resources. High availability: As the virtual machines are scalable according to the need, if one of the servers go down or fails to serve due to the maintenance the client request can be served by another server resource with the minimal downtime and loss of data. Figure1: Utilization of the physical resources. (Source: Householder et al., 2014 pp-2) Drawbacks of Oversubscription: The process of oversubscribing the available resources is not free from different flaws and drawbacks. Like Performance issues: If the memory is overloaded with the excessive client requests, it is possible that restrains the progress of any other application. Expansive overheads and can truly block and affect the execution speed of the system Economic issues: Again if the oversubscription of the resources is not managed properly then it can lead to the violation of the service level agreement, which is signed between the client and the service provider (Ho et al. 2015). In rare cases if the SLA are legally bonded then it is possible that the service provider organization is forced to compensate the client for not meeting the service levels. This process leads to the economical and reputational loss of the service provider. Downtime Due to crash: It is almost impossible that all the resources in virtual computing fail at the same time (Xiao et al., 2013). In addition with the above statement it is also true that if there is cascaded hardware failure then the total system needs a lot of time to go live again after recovering from the crash. Utilization of resources Impact of virtualization on measuring the CPU, RAM, and I/O utilization The virtualization of the CPU utilization is a complex issue. Since the allocation of the different tasks to the core are done using the Hypervisor than the guest OS. So to measure the CPU utilization the user has to use different hypervisor aware performance counters. This counter can be used to tack the CPU utilization of a virtual processor that is assigned to some virtual machine (Mishra et al. 2012 ). The different components of the hypervisor components are guest runtime, hypervisor run time, total runtime, total intercepts /sec, hyper calls cost, hypercalls/sec etc. RAM utilization: Both in the host and virtual machines the measurement of the memory utilization is difficult. In case of the virtual machines if it is suspected that the memory is leaked or is not optimally oversubscribed then at first it is determined that what is to be checked. After that the counters like, Ballooning, VMkernel, vSphere etc. (Baucke et al. 2013). I/O utilization: In the virtual networks the input and output operations are limited and the users have a limited scope for the I/o operation to the virtual services. Indication for configuration change depending on the resource consumption by the physical machines A server or a physical machine with a low load will run cooler, and have lower chances of failure. Once the CPU achieves the most extreme temperature, the quality of the processes become much lower with higher amount of burdens (Oki et al. 2015). The reality of the matter is that the cooling framework will make fans move speedier and that will raise the likelihood of a disappointment on the fans. There is another issue, with such a high load, if the heat is not taken out of the closed area in an effective way, then the entire server will have a higher temperature, influencing different parts of the virtual system. So for reliable processing and great speed of processing, its recommended to increase the capacity of the system. Indication for the configuration change depending on the resource allocation by the virtual machine It is often seen that the high CPU usage helps in increasing the host ready time and the queuing of the processors too. Moreover it can be said that if the CPU is constantly used at a high rate (like 90%) of its capacity then the service provided by it is impacted. Therefore comparing the CPU usage of a virtual machine with other machines available in the host, increasing the CPU limit, and upgrading the number CPUs or cores would help in maintaining the same level of services by the provider. Justification about the change in the configuration when the resource consumption is 30% As the host installed have the different number of available processors and cores. When the resource consumption is at 30% then there is no need of increasing the capacity. Moreover it can be said that the provider can accommodate more number of requests from the clients and process them Description of the behavioral characteristics of the three instruction set architectures proposed by Popek and Goldberg Goldberg and Popek proposed some requirements that are helpful for a computer system to efficiently manage the system virtualization. They proposed three types of instruction sets, which are privileged, non- privileged and sensitive. Privileged instruction: These are the instructions that are trapped in the system if the system is in user mode and is executed if the system is in kernel mode. This privileged instruction sets are used to separate the user space kernel is required because the kernel space accesses hardware resources directly and the user space do that in an indirect way (Gracia-Moran et al. 2014). If the privilege instructions are tried to execute in the non-privileged mode then the system triggers an alarm and execute that in the privileged environment. Non privileged instructions: these are the instructions that are executed in the user mode in the virtual system. For the execution it requires the user space rather than the kernel space. References Bai, T. and Rabara, S.A., 2015, August. Design and Development of Integrated, Secured and Intelligent Architecture for Internet of Things and Cloud Computing. InFuture Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud), 2015 Bari, M.F., Boutaba, R., Esteves, R., Granville, L.Z., Podlesny, M., Rabbani, M.G., Zhang, Q. and Zhani, M.F., 2013. Data center network virtualization: A survey.Communications Surveys Tutorials, IEEE,15(2), pp.909-928. Barroso, L.A., Clidaras, J. and Hlzle, U., 2013. The datacenter as a computer: An introduction to the design of warehouse-scale machines.Synthesis lectures on computer architecture,8(3), pp.1-154. Baucke, S., Green, H., Kempf, J. and Tatipamula, M., Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (Publ), 2013.Using MPLS for virtual private cloud network isolation in openflow-enabled cloud computing. U.S. Patent 8,560,663. Beloglazov, A., 2013. Energy-efficient management of virtual machines in data centers for cloud computing. Beloglazov, A., Abawajy, J. and Buyya, R., 2012. Energy-aware resource allocation heuristics for efficient management of data centers for cloud computing.Future generation computer systems,28(5), pp.755-768.
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