Saturday, November 30, 2019
Maple leaf foods free essay sample
Maple leaf foods is one of the leaders in the consumer packaged food industry. Their operations span across Canada, the United States, United Kingdom, Asia, and Mexico. A few brands they produce are Schneider’sâ„ ¢, and Dempster’sâ„ ¢ which are known worldwide. The company was created in 1961 and the origins can be traced back to Grantham Mills in 1863. There are three groups Maple leaf operates in, Meat Products Group, Bakery Products Group, and Agribusiness Products Group. The first two groups are self-explanatory but the Agribusiness Products Group deals with recycling animal by-products into animal feed, amino acids, supplements, and biofuel . Introduction We are going to look at how Maple leaf dealt with the Listeria outbreak in the package meat products group, how they dealt with the legal issues and how they interacted with the public perception of their company. The focus will be mainly on the nonmarket environment but we will briefly dive into Maple leaf’s market environments as well. We will write a custom essay sample on Maple leaf foods or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Fours I’s Issue The summer of 2008, reports that Listeria was found in numerous products and Maple Leaf’s products are being recalled. Not only have the products tested positive for Listeria but multiple deaths have been directly linked to Maple leafs products . This brings about two issues we need to address. The first issue is a public perception of Maple leaf and how this Listeria outbreak changed public opinion on the company. The second issue will be in the legal sector, from patrons that purchased Maple leaf meat products and became ill or passed on. Consumers are becoming hyper aware about the safety of their food and any time a company has a misstep like Maple leaf they are going to be negative consequences. Intuition To see how far spread the issue has gone we will look at the institutions that are involved from Maple leafs Listeria outbreak. The media covered the issue with their own viewpoint and brought the issue to the public. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the Public Health Agency of Canada were directly involved in confirming the presence of the listerosis bacteria . Any wholesaler or grocery store will have to track down Maple leaf products and send them back. The suppliers to the Maple leaf plants would have to wait until the meat packing plants were up and running again. Direct buyers of Maple leaf products such as hospitals and nursing homes have a tough time dealing with the issue. The publics sentiment of Maple leaf and how to handle this issue also can be considered an institution. Canadas federal government was also affected with the idea of amending the food and drugs act. Interest Groups The interest groups that were involved were as follows; trial lawyers, taxpayers, citizens that were directly affected by the Listeria outbreak, consumers of Maple leaf products and other producers in Maple leafs industry. The trial, lawyers, taxpayers, citizens and consumers were directly affected by the Listeria outbreak. The other producers in Maple leaf’s industry were indirectly affected because stigma brought in by this issue. Information Over 220 products were recalled by Maple leaf and it is estimated that the recall will cost Maple leaf $20 million Hundreds of people had fallen ill from the contaminated products and 23 people had died from Listeria related illness. In January 2009 a $27 million settlement was negotiated to pay to the victims and families of those affected by the Listeria outbreak. After heavy testing of Maple leaf’s products 30, out of a possible 841 product samples tested positive for Listeria. The food and drugs act was looked considered to be amended so that sodium acetate could be added as a preservative in the production of these foods . Sodium acetate would greatly decrease the chance of Listeria from being present in ready-to-eat meats. We define this issue as a moral hazard which creates almost 100% liability by Maple leaf to rectify this problem and to compensate those involved. Since this incident ranked high in intrinsic audience interest and had intensive coverage the story made it across the nation and the world. Market Maple leaf’s market environment is pretty standard for a company that sells consumer packaged food. They sell their product on a global scale and use mass media such as TV commercials and online ads to market their product . They are a publicly traded company and their success comes from the quality of their food and their innovative distribution channels. The company is not afraid of acquiring existing establishments to grow its product lines. In 1992, Maple leaf foods buys at 40% stake in McGavin foods which was a producer of bread and rolls for major grocery chains. There seems to be growing pattern of Maple leaf wanting to expand its company. They proposed building the 385,000 ft.? bakery and 402,000 ft.? meat processing plant in Hamilton Ontario. It is clear that the company is a driving force in the global market and shows no sign of slowing down. When it came for Maple leaf to respond to the issue, they were very quick to act and addressed the issue right away. They almost had a similar incident in 2009 where they voluntarily recalled 26,000 hot dogs that had might have been contaminated (Maple Leaf Recall, 2009). This shows how quick to act the company has become to protect its customers. Non Market Since Maple leaf has become such a large organization they have the ability to give back to the community. They sponsor hundreds of events across numerous communities advocating and helping hunger issues. Even before the incident in 2008 Maple leaf was trying to bring about innovation in the field. In 2004, Maple leaf began tracing the DNA from the package meat products from the farm to your plate. This initiative was to prevent enormous political and economic risk if one of their products were to cause problems within or outside Canada. They also called for other meatpacking plants to do the same and which would bring about a high level of safety in industryTo further build on this idea in 2006 Maple leaf brought about their â€Å"40 steps to food safety†program. These 40 steps were meant to exceed government regulation and bring about transparency and traceability of their products. Since anything related to the food industry rates high in societal significance it only makes sense for Maple leaf to continue with this pattern. Integrated strategy The two practices Maple leaf uses to integrate the market and nonmarket activities are promoting the high quality of their goods mixed with promoting their high safety standards. These two areas work well together in promoting a strong brand image and to stay in the right side of public sentiment. They also tie in their practices of supporting communities who need help with hunger issues with in the major markets where they distribute their products. It is a smart move since, they are branching out globally and communities not only want to bring them in for the high quality products but also to help the less fortunate in their communities. You can also tie in Maple leaf’s quest for high safety standards directly from the nonmarket environment to the market environment by their actions to try to change the whole industry and their interactions in the regulatory field to change laws to increase safety. This shows leadership in the industry and makes Maple leaf look very proactive in the public eye. Repositioning From an overall standpoint, Maple leaf has been quite present in the nonmarket environment and their position on their integrated strategy seems to be an effective method. That doesnt mean they are perfect. There are some areas that they can improve on. Their focus on creating innovative safety practices is good, but their application in the nonmarket environment could be improved upon. Instead of just targeting the whole industry and the safety practices they should focus a little more on consumer level food safety. They should partner with more schools to help improve education in food safety and also improve the food preparation facilities within the schools. Their targeting of safety at home seems to be a little too broad and could see more focus. The work they do on improving the safety of their industry also needs to be made more public and their successes should be showcased. It took too much digging to find information on Maple leaf’s actions on improving safety within the industry. Their involvement with the regulatory bodies within Canada should be increased and they should also be more active in other countries laws of other countries in regards to food safety in their industry. Conclusion Maple leaf response to the listeria outbreak was done in a timely fashion and was dealt with appropriately. They admitted their liability and compensated the appropriate parties. They not only talked about their own faults but shifted some of the focus to the industry as a whole to limit less attention to them directly. Their nonmarket strategy was handled somewhat effectively by being proactive before and after the incident. When it came to product safety. The innovative work they did recommend to the industry should have been celebrated and should of have been made more public . Their work with helping communities around the world with hunger problems is an effective strategy but more promotion is needed. As stated before, direct interaction in schools promoting food safety would be, more effective means of positioning in the nonmarket environment. An incident like this most likely would have ruined some companies, but the effective response by Maple leaf allowed them to recover and slowly become a global leader in their industry.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Media Violence and American Youth essays
Media Violence and American Youth essays Generation Numb: Bouncing Violence off the Brains of Americas Youth Imagine a generation of young people who are shocked by nothing. Imagine a group of young people who have seen and can bear the grotesque and unnecessarily violent to the point where they consider it the norm. This is my generation, born between 1981 and 1985, which I like to call generation numb. Through movies, music, and other media my peers have been bombarded by carefully marketed, gratuitous violence, and with each viewing of such violence it becomes more and more difficult to shock us. However, the corporate media is more than happy to meet our new shock levels if a profit can be made. My generation is becoming increasingly indifferent to violent acts which should disturb us, and our sense of reality is breaking down, creating peril for my peers in the present and the future. We tolerate violence and, in the process, become more violent ourselves. The root of this desensitization lies not so much in the violence of war, which my generation did not truly begin to experience until recently, but gratuitous violence. Gratuitous violence is fighting or gore which is uncalled-for, unjustified, of without need or cause. (violence.). This violence, often appearing in movies, music, or on television, differs from the violence of war in that sectarian violence has an apparent purpose. The real violence of war or in the impoverished areas of the inner city is naturally less fantastic and less glorified than the violence of, for instance, a summer action blockbuster with huge explosions and shootouts where the good guys never seem to be shot. Violence in the real world has consequences. Violence on film and television often goes unpunished. This fantasy violence had appeared in films for decades. But in the late seventies and early eighties, the sharp increase in...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Analyzing the Impact of the Audis Daughter Ads to the 51st Super Bowl
Analyzing the Impact of the Audi's Daughter Ads to the 51st Super Bowl Audi’s â€Å"Daughter†Anyone who watches the news or goes on the internet or even just has friends knows that the United States is going through tough times now. A change in the presidency has put people in arms and riots and marches have broken out all across this great land. This nation has never been more divided. Which is what fueled many ads for the 51st Super Bowl including Audi’s â€Å"Daughter†. As a young blonde girl races through the street against her male friends, her father voices over his thoughts of the importance of her. He worries over how he will tell her what she is worth, specifically as a woman. She wins the race, and the father hopes for a future where people are not judged by their gender but by who they are on the inside. As the United States has broken out in multiple women’s marches across the country there is no better time than now to come out with a commercial that promotes women. As we dive deeper into this commercial and discover why it is popular we first must look at whether it is a central route or peripheral route. Because of the main message behind the blog and how it makes the audience feel I believe that it is a central route. There are no famous people or comical jokes, it’s a deep message that the audience gets behind. I feel that when ads try to go down this â€Å"route†they can either be a hit or miss. You can make everyone like your commercial if you add in a lot of famous people, beautiful pictures, or comedic effects. But if you have a deep message and most people don’t agree with it, then your commercial is surely going to fall flat. We all have â€Å"attitudes†towards ideas, specifically political ones like feminism. Luckily â€Å"girl power†is very strong right now, and the majority attitude towards it is a positive one, which is why this ad is popular. This commercial is definitely not about the â€Å"steak†and it’s not really about the â€Å"sizzle†either. We only briefly see the car at the end of the ad, the commercial is more about what that brand is for. Like coke is for happiness and friendship, Audi is for specifically â€Å"Equal pay†, and it also generally gives us the feel that it is for equality. That type of brand is something that people can get behind since they feel like they too are promoting equality. Which is why this commercial on is fulfilling â€Å"self-actualization†on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. We want to good people who change things in the world and make it for the better. And if we join this ‘brand’ we can say that we are changing the world. This ad has positive oriented motives. It gives us a sense of hope as the man is at first worried that he won’t be able to tell his daughter all that she is truly worth, but then as the ad plays through he dreams of a day where girls are not worth any less than guys, and considers that that day is almost here. All of us has a mother or sister, if we are selves are not girls. When we consider our interpersonal influences we are all affected by equal pay and gender equality. And our culture, especially at this time in our nation’s history, is really pushing for it too. It might not seem obvious that an ad is more than just funny jokes or famous faces. Whether serious or funny, ads do things for a reason. They research their target audience thoroughly and strive to get into their mind and give them something that the viewers themselves didn’t even know what they wanted. We could have just gotten videos of women’s marches and Audi cars driving through supporting the events. Audi could have come out with so many other options, but instead, they gave us a father worrying about his young daughter. It’s almost like a call to action. She’s young, and she doesn’t realize that she may be worth less than her boy counterparts, but she doesn’t have worry about that. Because we can fix it. And that is what Audi sold to their audience.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Topic Selection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Topic Selection - Assignment Example The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the dangers of identity theft and how to prevent identity theft. The purpose of this topic is to illustrate the dangers of identity theft and how to prevent it. It will provide guidelines through which one can prevent identity theft and other crimes that are usually accompanied / associated with identity theft. It may be difficult to prevent this crime completely, but there are ways to contribute to its reduction. Identity theft can go for several days or even months unnoticed. This is due to the advancing of technology and skills. Victims of identity theft can be greatly affected financially, emotionally and sometimes physically. This is because once one is able to impersonate his victim, they can do whatever they want to them. Cases of identity theft need to be dealt with to prevent this stress. Thieves have discovered a way of accessing their victim’s emails and details which enable them to monitor their daily routine. In 2010, an article â€Å"Cyber Crime Made Easy" illustrated and brought out clearly how hackers used malicious software to access their victims details. There are several types of identity fraud; the most common type of them is credit card fraud. This is a short term fraud as the thief will be recognized faster by the credit card issuing company even before the owner knows about it (Keene, 2009). The internet contains a wealth of information. This is because of its versatility as it is used as a tool in performing social and economic activities. It is for this reason that the internet has been found to play a major role as a root for identity theft as hackers use it to acquire their victims’ personal information. In the past years, the rate of online shopping has been increasing. This has made it even easier for hackers to obtain peoples personal information such as; financial records, social security numbers, credit card numbers and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Travelocity SWOT Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Travelocity SWOT Analysis - Essay Example We market these net rate offerings to travelers at a price that includes service fees that we retain, plus an amount sufficient to pay the travel supplier for its charge for providing the travel accommodations, along with any applicable occupancy and other local taxes on that charge. For this type of business model, we require pre-payment by the traveler at the time of booking. High customer acquisition costs, as the marketing and promotional costs are quite high to deal with and it is challenging to upgrade the features of online portal quite often. A new feature from competitor keep Travelocity on toes as it may deviate Travelocity's customers. Customers may reduce transactions through our distribution channels, which could reduce Travelocity revenues: business segments have objectives that lead to conflicts with customers of other business segments related to parent company "Sabre". For example, Travelocity and Travelocity Business operations compete with travel-agency subscribers of Sabre Travel Network. That competition could cause current or potential travel agency subscribers to elect to use competing GDS providers, websites or other channels of travel distribution, which could reduce our transaction fee revenue and materially adversely affect our business. Opportunities: Sustainable global corporate customers' growth creates an opportunity to provide right customer experience and extend the corporate associations for a long period of time. As travel industry is extremely competitive, companies have to target to retain their most valuable clients. Along with retaining clients it has to look out for new clients & markets for considerable growth opportunity. Opportunities to explore the new markets as the internet penetration in developing countries is on raise and E-Commerce is evolving tool for travel purchase. Countries like India where internet penetration is picking up at rapid pace have to be explored with aggressive marketing and promotional strategies. Opportunities exist for online booking for rail and road travel across the globe as it is the basic mode of the common man's travel. Threats: Economic downturns, rising fuel costs and the financial instability of travel suppliers in recent times have bought the confidence levels of travel markets to an all time low. Political instability, acts of terrorism, hostilities and war have created a negative perception on the travelers mind
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Human - Meaning of life Essay Example for Free
Human Meaning of life Essay ?I really have to give credit for my religion beliefs for my search on the meaning of life. I’m a fully baptized Catholic, and a part of God’s Church. 17 years of being a Catholic and in search of the meaning of life, I have always thought it is about the Call to Holiness. My religion taught me that being a part of God’s Church is no accident, but because God wanted to share in His own blessed life, and in doing so He wanted me to desire serve Him freely by following His will. And by following his will, God will grant me eternal happiness which will lead to my salvation. All Catholics knew that God sent His son, Jesus, to set an example for us. Jesus showed the perfect example answered the call to Holiness. He showed us that we should love our neighbors as God showed His love for us; and that is what the Call to Holiness is. In search for the true meaning of life, it will take plenty of years, but for now I plan to stick with what my religion has taught me. Carl Rogers Carl Rogers emphasized focused on self-actualization. He believed that a person should develop his/her potential to the fullest, and in good condition. In doing so, the environment of a person should be inherently good. A person will only stop developing if constraints block the development. A fully developed person shows that he/she achieved the highest level of being a right fully-functioning human being. Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi, which means â€Å"great soul,†was an ideologist during the Independent movement of India from the British. As an ideological leader he believed violence should never be an answer to fight for his people’s rights, and should never take discrimination. He also believed that harmony, truth equality exists between all religions. With these 2 influential personas, I have noticed similarities between them. They both talk about human beings having a common good inside of them. They emphasized that all humans were born good, but because of destructive environment, they tend to turn their backs on what is right. Sources: http://www. simplypsychology. org/carl-rogers. html http://www. ask. com/question/what-were-gandhi-s-beliefs.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Camera Phones Trigger Controversy Essay -- Communication Technology Ce
Camera Phones Trigger Controversy When Catherine Zeta Jones appeared in a television commercial, she was one of the first to advertise one of the newest additions to a cell phone: the camera phone. The purpose of the commercial was to show how convenient, compact and useful such an apparatus could turn out to be. The theory is quite simple, basically combining a cell phone and a digital camera into one gadget. Major cellular companies like Nokia, Samsung and Sanyo observed how popular digital cameras were becoming, and decided to integrate it with one device most Americans find a necessity and not a luxury; the cell phone. No sooner than the phones hit the market, did the stores sell out of the phone. In 2002 An estimated 16 million camera phones were sold worldwide, with 5 million of those being in the U.S. (strategyanalytics). The camera phone had become a hit. Not even a few months after the release of the phone did controversy hit. What appeared to be a harmless little tech device left some people feeling invaded. Apparently, the phones picture-taking ability was being exploited to covertly photograph individuals with out their consent. In addition to people, certain places could not be captured on disk that usually prohibit photography. This can then allow the picture taker to post these pictures on the internet, sell them, or blackmail people for favors. The question that then must be asked is how is a camera phone any different than any other form of surveillance where your picture is taken? This is a very difficult question to answer and one that will be addressed in a legal sense. After all, having your picture taken by a camera phone or by a hidden camera in a shopping mall could be the s... ...: Look At Me†Ctnow: Technology March 2, 2003,27,0,5168365 (2) Batista, Elisa. â€Å"New Privacy Menace: Cell Phones?†WiredNews March 3, 2003,1294,57692,00.html (3) Lacey, Eugene. â€Å"Smile! You’ve just been caught out on camera phone†ZDNet UK Febuary 28, 2003,,t527-s2122702-pl,00.html (4) â€Å"STRATEGY ANALYTICS: 10 MILLION CELLULAR CAMERA PHONES SOLD WORLDWIDE THROUGH Q3 2002†March 3, 2003 (5) Greenspan, Robin. â€Å"The digital imaging big picture†Cyberatlas Hardware March 2, 2003,,5921_1546341,00.html (6) Jones, Rob. â€Å"Saudi phone ban may be lifted†vnunet March 4, 2003
Monday, November 11, 2019
Death of Salesman Analysis Essay
Women assume various roles in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Mainly we find them in the home, or the â€Å"workplace†. For us, they serve as windows to observe and formulate an opinion of the main character, Willy Loman and his boys Happy and Biff. For reference, the women include, Linda Loman (Willy’s wife) the boy’s childhood and current girls/women, â€Å"The Woman†(Willy’s mistress), and Jenny (Charley’s secretary). Notably, there are several aspects that unify these women. First, they are subordinate to the men; second, they are emotionally or materially dependent; third, the men are mutually dependent on the women for emotional or physical needs; and fourth, they serve as male ego supporters. Moreover, the women are portrayed as weak. Granted, societal views of women’s roles have drastically changed over the past seven decades, the women’s characters in Death of Salesman have not. Miller skillfully navigates us through the past and present in order to capture a complete image of Willy’s life. I will attempt to do the same with Linda Loman. I selected her because of her distinctive propensity to be overly protective of Willy. My intention is not to understate the relevance of the other women. Yet, my focus on Linda is based on my opinion that she is the central female figure and best ambassador to reveal Willy’s dynamic nature. Willy: â€Å"You’re my foundation and support, Linda.†(1216) We are introduced to Linda in the present. For the time and even for today, she is the ideal American wife. Caring, nurturing, supportive, and loyal to her husband and children. Yet, today, one may say overly supportive. A captive of the time period, she is limited; and therefore, emotionally and financially dependent on her husband. While here, we are able to feel her comforting and sheltering nature. She selflessly protects Willy from his insecure thoughts, his children, and acknowledging his financial failures. Yet, she cannot guard him from his depression and suicidal attempts and ideations. The scene opens with Willy prematurely returning from a sales trip. He is explaining to Linda that he could not maintain mental focus and that the car kept veering off onto the shoulder of the road. As we will come to know, she is well aware that Willy’s mental status is declining. She deflects the blame by saying, â€Å"Oh. Maybe it was the steering again. I don’t think Angelo knows the Studebaker.†(1213) Willy accepts responsibility, â€Å"No, it’s me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1214) Nonetheless, she continues to divert the cause by saying, â€Å"Maybe it’s your glasses†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1214) Her well-intended effort to be supportive is unfortunately enabling Willy’s serious â€Å"nervous breakdown†to be ignored. In the literary sense, it is an example of situational irony. Her intention to be helpful is not actually helping. For us, it is in this moment with Linda, that we immediately realize that Willy is undergoing serious internal and exter nal stress. It is manifesting into depression, mumbling, mental and physical wandering, and severe depression. It will proliferate throughout the play, and tragically, be the cause of his final decision. During their conversation we are also introduced to the adult boys, Biff and Happy. Linda informs Willy that the boys are both sleeping, and that, â€Å"Happy took Biff on a date tonight.†(1214) The report automatically generates interest in Willy. Which, we can translate to mean, Willy is in favor of his boys being in the company of women. As the conversation continues we are made aware of the tension that exists between Willy and his oldest son, Biff. As well, Linda let’s us know that Willy has a temper. She tells him, â€Å"You shouldn’t have criticized him, Willy, especially after he just got off the train. You mustn’t lose your temper with him.†(1215) For me, his temper is validated by his response, â€Å"When the hell did I lose my temper?†(1215) Typically, a non-temperamental person would not respond in that manner. As they continue on the topic of Biff, we get the first glimpse of Willy’s contradictory nature. At one moment Willy says, â€Å"Biff is a lazy bum!†(1215) While in a follow up comment he says, â€Å"Biff Loman is lost. In the greatest country in the world a young man with suchâ€â€personal attractiveness, gets lost. And such a hard worker. There’s one thing about Biffâ€â€he’s not lazy.†(1215) Well, which is it? Is Biff lazy, or not? Willy’s contradictory tendency will be further exemplified. I find a touch of comical irony, when prior to going to the kitchen, for a glass of milk, he asks, â€Å"Why am I always being contradicted? (1215) While in the kitchen, we go back in time with Linda and Willy. We see that her support of Willy has endured the test of time, as have his inconsistencies. The younger Linda asks, â€Å"Did you sell anything?†(1224) At first Willy says, â€Å"I did five hundred gross in Providence and seven hundred gross in Boston.†(1224) Linda wants to tabulate his commission so she retrieves a pencil and paper from her apron pocket. She â€Å"number-crunches†and replies, â€Å"Two hundredâ€â€my God! Two hundred and twelve dollars!†(1225) Once he realizes that there will be an expectation to produce that money, he back-peddles and says, â€Å"Well, I didn’t figure it yet, but†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1225) She is persistent, â€Å"How much did you do?†Then a more realistic figure emerges, â€Å"Well, Iâ€â€I didâ€â€about a hundred and eighty gross in Providence. Well, noâ€â€it came toâ€â€roughly two hundred gross on the whole trip.†(1225) As easily as Linda can do the math, so can we. Willy’s original report claims approximately 1,200 gross. When realistically his entire trip probably netted 200 gross. If we are inclined to believe that estimate as honest, he has overinflated his sales by six times the actual amount. After realizing that the actual commission amount is not enough to cover the monthly expenses, a dialogue ensues that reveals another incongruence and his insecurity. Willy states, â€Å"Oh, I’ll knock them dead next week. I’ll go to Hartford. I’m very well liked in Hartford. You know, the trouble is Linda, people don’t seem to take to me.†(1225) Again, in the same sentence he contradicts himself. I think we can all relate to feeling â€Å"less than†at some point in our lives. Since, I know I can, his previous and following statement elicits empathy on my part. He claims that people are laughing at him when he goes to his sales calls. He doesn’t know the reason, he is just aware. Linda’s perpetual support of Willy continues, â€Å"Oh, don’t be foolish†and â€Å"Why? Why would they laugh at you? Don’t talk that way, Willy†. (1225) She continues to console him and coddles his fragile ego by replying, â€Å"But you’re doing wonderful, dear. You’re making seventy to a hundred dollars a week.†(1225) There is something to admire about her positive outlook. Willy continues to share his feelings about his diminished sense of self-worth. This time, it comes from his critique of his physical image, â€Å"I’m fat. I’m very foolish to look at, Linda. I didn’t tell you, but Christmas time I happened to be calling on F.H. Stewarts, and a salesman I know, as I was going in to see the buyer, I heard him say something aboutâ€â€walrus. And Iâ€â€I cracked him right across the face. I won’t take that. I simply will not take that. But they do laugh at me. I know that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1226) I would like to draw your attention to the opening scene where Linda cautions Willy about his temper. We are now in the past, and we have a tangible example of Willy’s temper. In this case, it has even erupted into violence. Linda doesn’t even bat an eye when he tells her that he hit someone. Instead, she is the constant pillar that supports his ego, â€Å"Willy, darling, you’re the handsomest man in the worl dâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ (1226) Really, Linda? I can’t imagine my husband telling me he hit someone and not be compelled to probe him further about the incident. Through Willy’s reminiscent daydreams, we hear the laughter of a woman, who will later be revealed as â€Å"The Woman†, his mistress. (1226) Willy has just added another criteria to analyze him against. He is unfaithful to his committed and loving wife. Until now, I could sympathize with Willy’s insecurities, even understand his need to overinflate his earnings and maybe even relate to his temper. But, positioned against my own moral standards, I don’t care for a womanizer. Nor would I make an exception if the roles were reversed. He pulls away from the memory and declares, â€Å"You’re the best there is, Linda, you’re a pal, you know that?Ã' On the roadâ€â€on the road I want to grab you sometimes and just kiss the life outa you.†(1226) Anyone who understands simple psychology realizes that it is guilt that moves him to profess affection for his wife. Yet, a key term he uses provides insight to how he actually views her, â€Å" you’re a pal†. These words cannot be misconstrued to mean: I love you, you mean the world to me, and I can’t wait to rush home to you. As a matter of fact, he retreats into his memories and we spend time with â€Å"The Woman†. In this brief moment we can conclude that his mistress provides an outlet when he’s on the road, she fuels his ego, and she suits his purpose by being able to send him directly into the buyers. In return, he fulfills her material need for stockings. (1227) Back from his memory of â€Å"The Woman†, we are still in the past where he is remembering a scene of Linda mending her stockings. He commands her to throw them away. Although we already know Biff and Happy from their own earlier dialogues and Willy’s memories (which I did not address), it is here that Linda provides insight into younger Biff. She tells Willy that Biff must return a football that he stole from the school, and that he is also too rough with the neighborhood girls. (1227) Willy is annoyed with Biff and he explodes at Linda when she urges him to do something about Biff’s behavior. (1228). It is important to know, all of Willy’s past memories and mumblings have occurred while he went down to the kitchen for that glass of milk. Finally, we arrive at the kitchen, in the present. This part does not include Linda. Yet, I find it important to include because this exchange contains a missed opportunity. Not that there weren’t several others. Happy comes down to check on Willy. He finds his father mumbling, and out of concern and sadness, Happy tells him that he will financially provide for the rest of Willy’s life. In expressing his frustration with Happy’s claim to â€Å"retire†him for life, Willy makes an explicit cry for help, â€Å"You’ll retire me for life on seventy goddam dollars a week? And your women and your car and your apartment, and you’ll retire me for life! Christ’s sake, I couldn’t get past Yonkers today! Where are you guys, where are you? The woods are burning! I can’t drive a car!†(1228) And there it is! A desperate, agonizing plea for attention, ‘Where are you guys? The woods are burning!’. He realizes his condition, he is begging to be acknowledged, begging for attention, and begging for help! He feels alone in his suffering. I could imagine his desperation, and we would not be human if we too did not feel his pain. The neighbor, Charley enters, and Happy is sent away. In the interest of focusing on Linda, we will fast forward through this part. Yet, during Charley’s visit and through Willy’s memories, we meet an influential character in Willy’s life (his successful brother Ben). Charley leaves after a heated round of cards. Yet, we remain in the kitchen while Willy heads outside. Linda comes looking for Willy in the kitchen. Both boys come down to discuss their father’s apparent troubling condition. Instead of addressing it, she scolds them both for being judgmental of their father. Happy transfers his anger onto Biff and blames his father’s condition on Biff’s failures. This scene foreshadows the underlying trouble between Biff and his father. Linda asks Biff, â€Å"Why are you so hateful to each other? Why is that?†(1235) Biff is reluctant to admit that he is resentful towards his father. She cautions that one day the boys will try to come home and there will be strangers in the house. Biff replies, â€Å"What are you talking about? You’re not even sixty, Mom.†She reminds him that his father is not doing well and goes on to say, â€Å"Biff, dear, if you don’t have any feeling for him, then you can’t have any feeling for me.†(1235) This is an endearing symbol that all families are interconnected, and we each play an integral role. In a passionate plea she proclaims, â€Å"You can’t just come to see me, because I love him.†She goes on to acknowledge Willy’s character flaw, â€Å"I know he’s not easy to get along withâ€â€nobody knows that better than meâ€â€but†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1235) Willy enters the kitchen and he is delighted to see Biff. His erratic behavior is puzzling, and Biff asks, â€Å"What the hell is the matter with him?†Linda defends Willy, as if from a physical threat, â€Å"Don’tâ€â€don’t go near him!†Out of disgust, Biff snaps, â€Å"Stop making excuses for him! He always, always wiped the floor with you. Never had an ounce of respect for you.†(1235) This is a loaded, emotional and hurtful comment. But, we will easily unpack why Biff feels that his father has not cherished his mother. Another scene, that does not directly involve Linda, is a mandatory addition. Nearing the end, we come to know that the younger Biff caught his father with â€Å"The Woman†in a hotel, while his father was on a business trip. (1267) The experience grants Biff a moment of clarity, it also permanently shatters his image of his father. Ultimately, she is the measure that Biff judges his father by. In that hotel room, the reality of his father’s pretentious persona crystallizes. He calls him a liar, and a fake. (1268) We will come to understand that this pivotal moment created a fissure that could never be filled. Inevitably, it altered the chain of events in Biff and Willy’s lives, not to mention Linda’s. They remain distant from that moment forward. Poor Linda is never directly told about the affair, which is the sole reason of why Biff resents his father, and the ultimate reason that has caused Willy to be so depressed. The most important detail I have saved for last. As I first claimed, I found Linda to be the most important woman that brings Willy into perspective for us. Early on, Linda confesses to her boys that Willy has deliberately smashed the car on two separate occasions, (1237) and that she has found a hose in the basement that he intended to connect to a gas line. Just prior she delivers a very heartfelt command to her boys. For us, Linda sums Willy up, â€Å"Willy Loman never made a lot of money. His name was never in the paper. He’s not the finest character that ever lived. But he’s a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid. He’s not to be allowed to fall into his grave like an old dog. Attention, attention must be finally paid to such a person.†(1236) There we have it, Willy has attempted suicide and continues to be tormented with his ideations. Unfortunately, his final suicide attempt is successful. What a strange word, ‘successful’ can be when used to describe death by suicide. But, in Willy’s mind, through death he could attain financial success, make a lasting impression with his sons (mainly Biff) another form of success to Willy, leave 20K for Linda (huge success), and have everyone acknowledge him with a big â€Å"send off†(success in the form of recognition). As we know, in the end, it did not play out that way. The few people in attendance did not view his death as a success. What he left behind was pain.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ray Percival
I think that Ray Percival's article, â€Å"Malthus and His Ghost: When He Formulated His Theory, Malthus Ignored the Ingenuity of Man†(August. 18), in which he attempts to silence the Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus and his pro-population-control fanatics, the neo-Malthusians is a work of art. Paul Ehrlich and the other nay-sayers portray man as a gluttonous consumer. Yet, by default, every healthy human being is born with two hands every stomach comes with two hands attached. As Ray Percival asserts, by producing more than he consumes man has worked his way up from the near-universal poverty that was his fate two centuries ago. In my opinion, only one argument in Percival's article needs to be revised. In his dismissal of Ehrlich's simple-minded declaration that â€Å"more people = more famine,†he suggests that there have been â€Å"at most 15 million famine deaths†in this century. In fact, there has been nearly twice that in China alone. Most of which occurred from 1959 to 1962, following the Great Leap Forward, a campaign undertaken by the Chinese communists between 1958 and early 1960 to organize its vast population, especially in large-scale rural communes, to address China's industrial and agricultural problems. It was the scheming of men, not the impulses of nature that led to mass starvation after the Great Leap Forward. This, of course, is a familiar story, told in the Ukrainian famine, the Cambodian famine. We live in an age in which governments, more specifically one-party Communalist rà ©gimes, deliberately cause famines. Percival's optimism about the ability of free human populations to feed them could not be more accurate: it takes significant malicious geniuses to create economic systems and policies which render people incapable of providing for their basic needs. The population-control advocates have come to treat their body of belief more like a religious system than a scientific theory. It is impossible to convince anyone operating within neo-Malthusian constraints of its falsity by rational or pragmatic argument otherwise. They are intensely hardened in their narrow-mindedness by the abundance of funds to which they have access, since they have managed to convince many governments and foundations that they hold the key to mankind's success as a species: reducing the numbers of living, breathing and loving human beings.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
When Is the June SAT Should You Take It
When Is the June SAT Should You Take It SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips As some people are preparing for summer, others are preparing for the SAT. If you’re a junior thinking of taking the SAT before senior year, the June SAT can give you a chance to raise your scores and get a head start on the college application process. In this article, we'll tell you everything you need to know about the June SAT, including when it is, when its registration deadlines are, and when scores are expected to come out. We’ll also give you a detailed list of the pros and cons of the June SAT to help you decide whether this test date is ultimately right for you. When Is the June SAT? Here is the schedule for the upcoming June SAT, with all of the critical dates you should know: Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline Waitlist Deadline Deadline for Changes June 6, 2020 May 8, 2020 May 19, 2020 (by mail) or May 27, 2020 (online or by phone) June 1, 2020 May 27, 2020 Source: The College Board The June SAT is only available to those taking the exam in the U.S. For international test takers, the regular SAT will not be administered in June; however, SAT subject tests will be administered. To register for the June SAT, you must pay an SAT registration fee of either $64.50 (with the optional Essay) or $49.50 (without the Essay). The June SAT registration deadline is Friday, May 8, or about a month before the test. If you miss the June SAT registration deadline, you may still register for the exam as long as you do so by the late registration deadline, which is Wednesday, May 27. Late registration requires a late fee of $30 (in addition to the general registration fee). If you miss both the June SAT registration deadline and the late registration deadline, you may still be able to take the test by signing up for the SAT waitlist. Note that this does not guarantee you a spot on test day. The waitlist deadline is Monday, June 1- just five days before test day. If you are admitted on test day, you must pay a $53 waitlist fee. After the standby deadline has passed, you will not be able to register or get on the standby list for the June SAT. When Will June SAT Scores Be Available? Your June SAT scores will be available to you online beginning July 15. At that time, you may also access your scores by phone; however, this service costs $15 per call. Some test takers may receive their scores a little later due to processing delays, irregularities in test administrations, etc. So if you don’t get your scores right away, don’t freak out! Chances are the College Board is simply struggling to keep up. For updates on score delays, you can contact the College Board at 1 (866) 756-7346. Colleges you wrote in for your four free score reports will be sent your June SAT scores electronically within a week of you receiving your score. When your colleges actually receive and process your June SAT scores, however, ultimately depends on how quickly the College Board sends scores and how your colleges choose to process these scores. Some schools may not process SAT scores until a week after receiving them, so always gives your colleges ample time to process your SAT scores well before college application deadlines. Luckily, June SAT scores should face few, if any, difficulties getting to your colleges on time. Normally, we recommend taking the SAT no later than five weeks before your application deadlines (and no later than seven weeks before your deadlines if you think you'll need to order additional score reports). So for the June SAT, the earliest deadline you could theoretically work with would be around July 8. But summer deadlines are indubitably rare; in fact, the vast majority of U.S. college application deadlines are in late autumn and early winter. The most common regular decision deadline is January 1, and the most common early action/early decision deadlines are November 1 and 15. For schools offering rolling admissions, application season can start as early as September 1, with most priority deadlines falling around mid-autumn. So what does all of this mean for you? Your June SAT scores are essentially guaranteed to arrive well before your college applications are due, no matter where you apply or which decision plan you elect to do. Phew! Pros and Cons of Taking the June SAT Still deciding whether to take the June SAT? Here are some of the major pros and cons of the end-of-school-year testing session. ' Pros of Taking the June SAT June SAT scores will for sure arrive on time for regular decision and early action plans. Many students take the SAT at the beginning of senior year in a last-ditch effort to improve their SAT scores, but the October, November, and December test dates can't always guarantee your scores will arrive at your schools on time, especially if you’re applying early action. Because June SAT scores are sent out around mid-July, you can rest assured your schools will have plenty of time to process your scores. It allows you to get the SAT out of the way before starting your college applications. If you take the June SAT as a junior and do well on it, you won’t have to take it again your senior year- and therefore won’t have to deal with the stress of juggling both college apps and studying for an exam. It gives you more time and flexibility than other test dates. With the June SAT, you won't have to study during your (likely stressful) senior year; you'll also have the entire summer to study should you decide to retake the SAT in August or October. So compared to other test dates (namely those in August, October, November, and December), the June SAT offers far more flexibility, giving you a better chance of securing a high SAT score. Cons of Taking the June SAT You’ll have to study for the SAT during finals and AP exams. Unfortunately, end-of-year tests are numerous- and squeezing in an SAT on top of this might end up burning you out. If you’re someone who gets easily overwhelmed or finds it challenging to study for multiple tests at once, opt for an earlier SAT test date in May or a later one in August or October. It may conflict with your SAT subject tests. Those who need to take SAT subject tests should do so in June, as you'll have just finished your AP courses and everything you learned will be fresh in your mind. Because you can't take both subject tests and the regular SAT on the same day, this means it'll be better for you to move the regular SAT to a different date. On a related note, if your SAT subject tests are only offered on the June date (i.e., you’re taking the German, Modern Hebrew, Latin, and/or Italian subject tests), you’ll have to take them in June no matter what! June SAT Recap This year's June SAT is scheduled for Saturday, June 6, 2020. The registration deadline is May 8, and the late registration deadline, as well as the deadline for changes, is May 27 (May 19 if registering by mail). The College Board will release June SAT scores to test takers starting July 15 and to schools within a week after that. Some schools may take up to a week to process SAT scores, but regardless your scores should make it to your schools well before any college application deadlines. To determine whether the June SAT is right for you, make sure you consider important factors such as your application deadlines, finals, AP exams, and SAT subject tests. What’s Next? Want to learn more about SAT test dates? Check out our guide to the 2019-20 SAT test dates and get expert advice on when you should take the SAT. Need help studying for the SAT? Create a foolproof SAT study plan with our step-by-step guide. And for tips and strategies, take a look at our 21 top SAT tricks you can use while studying and on test day. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Monday, November 4, 2019
[Ethics and Criminal Punishment] Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
[Ethics and Criminal Punishment] - Assignment Example tudied that the reason behind retentionists claim regarding capital punishment is that they believe that by banning it, more and more welfare can be increased within the society by large (Rosner, 2003). However, on the other hand, the abolitionist considers that there is an avid need of strict measures to be taken against the criminals because the rising percentage of corruption and crime in any society of the world is alarming. It is actually going to result in international criminal context. Therefore, it is easier to note that both the school of thoughts is majorly different from each other on the basis of the ethical systems that they follow (MacKinnon & Fiala, 2015). I would provide an agreement with the thoughts that have been well crafted in the post of my classmate. The aspect of re-integrative and integrative shaming remains very critical tool that has been used in the crime and justice department. Its significance has been well evaluated in the post as it is a theoretical body of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
7 best countries to visit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
7 best countries to visit - Essay Example With regard to expenses, America is relatively expensive. Regarding the type of company one may accompany it is suited both for group and family tour. Best times to visit the country are mostly around September. Shopping zones are plenty few of the mention worthy are Rodeo Drive, Michigan Avenue, Nicollet Avenue, NW 23rd avenue. Other attractive places are historic places, statue of liberty, casinos ( las Vegas), Manhattan and various other places. Washington D.C is its capital city. Located in the South Eastern part of Asia .its currency is India Rupee. Transportation means that are adopted both locally and internationally include airways, railways, in town Rickshaws mostly in usage .It is relatively cheap with regard to the spending and visiting places. It is purely suited for family outings since the culture is more so eastern. Best times to visit the country is Spring around February onwards.Shopping zones are Dil Hatt, Chandi Chowk, Connaught Place, Hauz Khas, Atria Millennium Mall. Attractive places: Taj Mehal Agra, Shimla, Kashmir, and many others. New Delhi is its capital city. Its currency s Qatar Riyal . Transportation means employed locally and internationally are Qatar Airways, Railways ( state of the art), Luxury cars. It is relatively expensive with regard to the spending. It is family oriented and can be best suited to family outings. Best times to visit the country are November to May. Places to visit are Doha, Ras Laffan, Halul Island. Shopping zones are AL Khor mall, Lagoona Mall, Safari Hypermarket. 4-Thailand: Its currency is Thai Baht. Transportation means employed are Airlines ( thai Airways), Bus, Cycles in town, Tuks tuks . It is Relatively affordable with regard to other countries like America or European countries. It is suited both for Family and group. Best times to visit the country are November to February. Temperatures around 20 degree centigrade. Places to
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