Thursday, October 31, 2019
Gun Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Gun Control - Essay Example They argue that it would assist them in fighting for their security. Opponents present with arguments that increased availability of guns would result in the falling of the weapons in the wrong hands and would therefore bring harm rather than benefit to the nation. The subject of gun control remains controversial in the United States and different rulings and researches have been conducted with regard to the matter of gun control. According to the National Vital statistics many people succumb to injuries resulting from guns and the data from the year 2001 alone highlighted the fact that 11,001 people lost their lives owing to firearm shots from criminals. In the same year, 16,455 people resorted to suicide by using guns. The great number of fatalities that result due to firearms has led to the marking of guns as the second death causing reason in the United States. Furthermore, it has been seen in the history of the country that many great figures have lost their lives due to firearm injuries. The killing of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy who were killed in the year 1968 uphold this fact. Despite of these findings, an interesting finding that has been presented is that the number of people who die to due firearm injuries has reduced after the year 1993 owing to the relaxation in gun control laws following this year (Gold 2004; Valdez 2003). The first and the most important ruling with regard to gun control got passed in the United States in the year 1939 by the Supreme Court of the country. According to the ruling the possession of firearms was restricted and personal firearms were not to be issued. The ruling has been subjected to many arguments since that time and it has undergone many changes since that period. Opponents of this ruling use the Second Amendment in their favor as according to this Amendment, "A well regulated militia, being necessary
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 29
Economics - Essay Example At this specific combination of price and quantity, both the agents are maximizing their self interests, keeping in mind the other agent’s behavior and satisfying the condition of Pareto-Optimality (Google Docs, page 57-58). A competitive market is identified by three main characteristics: many consumers and many sellers, freedom of choice under the umbrella of perfect information, and the assumption that the agents have a rational behavior in determining their choice, which essentially maximizes their self-interests. To ensure optimality of outcome, the existence of externalities is unacceptable (Howard, 1994, page 384) The market model of a competitive market is thus based on the general assumption that industries seek to maximize their profits, and therefore are competitive. However, given the condition that a single firm is just one part of the many firms in the market, it is projected that it cannot affect the price of the commodity which in this case is ‘the rainwater tanks’. Hence an individual seller is just a price taker, it can be rightly said that it faces a flat demand curve (John and Akila, 2009, page 246) Referring to the diagram (perfect competition) below, the Supply Curve (Ms) interacts with the Demand Curve (Md) in the Industry model, to determine the equilibrium price which is P1, that will become the demand curve of an individual firm i.e. the flat line AR=MC in the Individual Firm model. The quantity supplied by the individual firm is Q1, and the quantity supplied by the overall industry would be the amount on the x-axis (Industry Output), corresponding to P1. The shaded area denoting the profit of any individual firm is an assumption based on the consideration that the supplier has an average cost below the price; However, depending upon every individual firm’s own capacity to supply rainwater tanks and the respective average costs they face, they shall determine their supply curve, and all the individual
Sunday, October 27, 2019
AirAsia Planning and Decision Making
AirAsia Planning and Decision Making This is the logo and the organization which I interested and I want to intro the planning process and Decision Making in this company. It is one of the famous company in Malaysia. Asias leading airline was established with the dream of making flying possible for everyone. Since 2001, AirAsia has swiftly broken travel norms around the globe and has risen to become the worlds best. With a route network that spans through more than 20 countries, AirAsia continues to pave the way for low-cost aviation through our innovative solutions, efficient processes and a passionate approach to business. Together with our associate companies, AirAsia X, Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia, They are set to take low-cost flying to an all new high with our believe, Now Everyone Can Fly. Planning is one of the most important project management and management techniques. Planning is preparing a sequence of action steps to achieve some specific goal. If you do it effectively, you can reduce much the necessary time and effort of achieving the goal. The important of planning involves like defining organization goals, establish strategies to achieve goals,and develop plans to integrate coordinate work activities. A plan is like a map. When following a plan, you can always see how much you have progressed towards your project goal and how far you are from your destination. Knowing where you are is essential for making good decisions on where to go or what to do next. The most important to ensure that everyone is clear of what to accomplish. Planning is also crucial for meeting your needs during each action step with your time, money, or other resources. With careful planning you often can see if at some point you are likely to face a problem. It is much easier to adjust your plan to avoid or smoothen a coming crisis, rather than to deal with the crisis when it comes unexpected time. Example Air Asia plans to expand their operations in Europe, so they consultation to the Government of French . They has been granted landing rights in Paris and is awaiting further details from authorities. The mission in Air Asia got four major point. The first point is to be the best company to work for whereby employees are treated as part of a big family. Then the second point is create a globally recognized ASEAN brand. The third point is to attain the lowest cost so that everyone can fly with AirAsia and the last point is Maintain the highest quality product, embracing technology to reduce cost and enhance service levels. They had achieved the goals but the second point they havent achieved it because in this strong competitive era , too many company like Malaysia Airlines and Tiger Airways also want to be the globally recognized ASEAN brand, but they will work hard to achieve their goals. Type of plan The first type of plan is strategic plans. It is long term and apply to entire organization. It also a broad plans. This type of plan is made by the top management for the whole organization such as CEO, COO, and other. This plan is usually done for 5 years and above Example, Air Asia CEO planning want to take more route in 5 years. The second type of plan is tactical plans. It is a short term goal and basically focus on the problems of resource allocation. This plan is made by middle level management such as manager. It done for a period of 1-5 years. Example, they want to buy more bigger airplane in 4 years. The third type of plan is operational plan. It is encompass particular operational area of the organization. It cover short time period. This plan developed by first line manager such as supervisor. Example, their goal is a daily capacity of 3 million. The fourth type of plan is long term plan. It is plan with time frames extending beyond 3 years. This plan usually use to making research or market research. The fifth type of plan is short term plan. It is plans that are clearly defined and no room for interpretation. Example, they promotion and discount the ticket to let more people can fly. Planning process The step one of planning process is set objectives which means establish objective and targets while taking into consideration such as mission, strategic plans/goals, environment, and availability of resources. In Air Asia have set their objective like made their ticket price more cheaper and provide better service. They step two of planning process is analyze and evaluate the environment. Once objectives are established, manager must analyze their current situation and environment (internal external)to determine what resources are available. Internal environment included such as raw material, machine/ equipments , finance ,money ,and other. External environment included PEST which is policies, economic, social, technology and competitor. Air Asia analyze and evaluate the environment after set their objectives like do survey. The step three of planning process is identify alternatives which means list down as many alternatives as possible to reach the goals. Air Asia list many alternatives like connect to other company, let their worker learn more language and upgrade their facility. The step four of planning process is evaluate the alternatives which means evaluate all alternatives to determine which combination of alternatives is the most effective and efficient to achieve the goals. For each alternatives, manager will look at the advantages or disadvantages. Air Asia will try all alternatives and identify before see which is the best. The step five of planning process is select the best solution which is select the best alternatives that gives most advantages and fewest disadvantages.Air Asia choose the best solution is upgrade their facility so that can let their customer more comfortable. The step six of planning process is implementing the plan which means decide who will be involved determine, what resources need, how the plan be evaluated and how reporting will be handled. If Air Asia want make their customer more comfortable, then the best away is buy the new and bigger airplane. The last step is controlling and evaluating the result which means monitor to ensure plan is going according to expectations and make necessary adjustment, if needed.Chart.png Factors of effective planning There are some factors of Air Asia to make an effective planning to let them success. The first is fatten the organizational hierarchy to foster development of planning skills at all level of organization. It can made the company more systematization. The other is practice MBO(management by objective) -technique that emphasize collaboration objective setting by managers and subordinates which means if CEO and other department can effective work together and strengthen their worker then the company sure will be a best company in the world. The third is encourage employees at all levels to provide feedback and suggestions for planning that means the company see their employees are treated equally. The four is develop plan that are specific but flexible which means although the company made the plan to achieve goal ,if got some problem must change and discuss, dont rigid to follow the original plan. The five is must acquire facts and information that are current and reliable to be accurate in planning that will be made the CEO accurate to made a good plan to their compan y. The last is develop contingency plans and strategies. It is the very important effective away that can be immediately correspondence when the company got some emergency. The problem of Air Asia In 2008-2009, Air Asia got many problem that made their company loss. There some issue that are involved for that company whereby they are unable to achieve their goal. The first one is mission statement objectives of organization are not clear and precise enough for planning which means the company not follow their step to achieve the goals , it will affect all organization progress, example Air Asia want charge the several fees if customer booking already the ticket but suddenly want change. Although it is rational but some time some customer change their ticket but no need charge the fees, so they not accurate and not follow the mission. The other is some managers are not experiences in planning. It is because the plans always decide by the to management , not by middle management, so if suddenly want manager to decide plan will made some mistake . Some managers have negatives thinking of planning as they think planning is costly, time consuming waste of time. Air Asia sometime will think that plans will use many costly and if the plan no success will wasting time , so in 2008 their company did not get mush profit. After the end of 2009, Air Asia made a different decision that is change a manager and CEO . The other away is set a new objective and effective to follow the goal that is the first important thing. Example they want reception customer about 100million a day. Decision Making Decision making can be regarded as the mental processes resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternatives. Every decision making process produces a final choice. The output can be an action or an opinion of choice. It can making a choice from two or more alternatives. Identify problems or opportunities, developing alternatives , choosing an alternative and implementing it. Decision making also is performed by all level of management in an organization. Type of Decision The first type of decision is organizational decision which means made by managers within their authority in accordance with organizational such as goals, policies, procedures, and strategies. Example ,Air Asia wan to be a globally recognized ASEAN brand. The second type of decision is personal decision which means made based on managers personal choice and preference. Example ,the Air Asia s manager made two plan like upgrade the facility first or training the worker first, then CEO choose the one he like. The third type of decision is strategies decision which means deals with long term plans which is important for growth and survival of organization. Example , Air Asia need to plan a long term plan to achieve goals in this period of economic instability. The four type of decision is tactical decision which means deals with routine and operational activities. Example manger need to deals the operational activities such as system failure, the environment, and other . The five type of decision is programmed decision which means repetitive decision that can be handled by routine approach. It using when the problem being resolved straightforward, involve goals that are clear, and information about problem is available and complete. Example Air Asia use in policy, procedure, and rule. The last type of decision is un-programmed decision which means unique and non-recurring or generate unique responses. It use when the problem are new and unusual and when the information is incomplete. Decision Making Process Decision making process is very important to any company The step one of decision making process is identifying the problem . It is obstacle that males achieving a desired goal or purpose difficult. It also must be know that problem the organization facing and characteristics of the problem. Example Air Asia want lower fares or not . The step two of decision making process is identifying decision criteria which means factors that are important to resolving the problem. Example price, distance, customer, location ,and time. The step three of decision making process is allocating weights to the criteria. Assigning a weight to each item places the items in the correct priority order of their importance in the decision making process. Example customer is the first, then is distance , price, time, and the last is location. The step four of decision making process is developing alternatives. Alternatives are listed without evaluation that can resolve the problem. Manager look for as many alternatives to solve the problem. Example list down their competitor such as Malaysia Airlines , Tiger Airway and other. The step five of decision making process is analyzing alternatives. Analyze and evaluate each alternatives and find out their advantages or disadvantages. Example identify advantages or disadvantages of lower fares. The step six of decision making process is selecting an alternatives. Choose the best alternatives and with the highest total weight and with the most advantages fewest disadvantages. Example lower fares can make more customer come to buy , location no far than 700km, time about 2-3 hours. The step seven of decision making process is implementing the decision. Putting the chosen alternatives into action. Example Air Asia choose is lower the fares. The step eight of decision making process is evaluating decision effectiveness which means monitor or provide feedback on how well the decision has been implemented or is there any adjustment and corrective action need. Example Air Asia lower fares because can made more customer buy and increase profit. Creating Environment for Effective Decision Making The first of effective decision making is provide time for decision to be made which means manager should not rush and be pushed to make a decision, especially crucial. Negotiate more time and make good quality decision. Example when Air Asia airplane got some emergency problem , then manger should made a clear decision to solve the problem. The second of effective decision making is have self confidence which means managers must have self confidence and courage especially when making risky. Example manager must have self confidence when decide a high risk plan . The third of effective decision making is encourage others to make decision which means managers should trust subordinates and allow them to make decision. This will get their commitment when they are involved. Example manager must trust their worker or employee when they made some decision. The fourth of effective decision making is learn from past decisions which means managers should look at decision that worked and decision that did not use them as a guide. Example Air Asia need to see the decision first then decide want training their worker or not. Making Decision to be Ineffective decision The first point of making decision to be ineffective decision is time pressure which means not enough time to decision then will made mistake . The second point of making decision to be ineffective decision is limited amount of available information or incomplete information. Sometime some manager cant not get incomplete information so he will made wrong decision. The third point of making decision to be ineffective decision is higher levels of uncertainty in todays business environment. Conclusion After I research this company ,I learn more about planning and making decision. In my opinion, any company must be planning and decision making because if any company loss any one , will made the company not direction, no achieve goals, and other. And the last is must made customer happy because customer is always right. C:UsersMichaelDesktopnewINTIuc logo.jpg Name Lim Kok Hui Student ID I10005487 Program DBAD Course Code MGT1101 Section 5SS1 Lecturers Name Hardjinder Kaur A/P Balbir Singh Submission Date 14/6/2010 Aims: To help course participants consider the fundamental areas within management. Select an organization with which you are either interested or familiar with and write a 2,000 word essay on any 2 areas of the organization within the following areas: Planning and Decision Making Process
Friday, October 25, 2019
Eaters Of The Dead Essay -- essays research papers
Applied Intelligence and Knowledge Conquers All In his novel, Eaters of the Dead, author Michael Crichton shows how the Volga Northmen were able to defeat their foes, the wendol, by using their intellect instead of their weapons. This is seen in four aspects. The theme of the novel is that physical courage is not enough to preserve your culture and lifestyle: intelligence and superior knowledge are absolutely essential. Conflict between the wendol and the Northmen shows which group has the intelligence to eliminate the other. Symbolism of wisdom, knowledge, and the lack of such things are used by Crichton to illustrate this moral. The juxtaposition of characters emphasizes the cleverness of the Volga Northmen compared to the Venden Northmen. The theme of the story is that applying intelligence and knowledge is essential in order to keep one’s culture alive. A good proof of this is the lack of knowledge of Ahmad Ibn Fadlan, the narrator of the story. He is an Arab who "knows nothing of the ways of the world" (p. 77) because he has never truly experienced the world before that day, since he does not care for adventure. Having no experience with the world and having no knowledge, Ibn Fadlan slowly learns the Northmen’s way of life. In the end, felt he "had been born a Northman" (p. 152), having spent much time in their company and is no longer the coward he was when he started the trip. His lack of knowledge causes him to be a coward in battle, since he will be battling frightening, mysterious creatures. A better proof of this is that the wendol acts as if they are animals, which are unintelligent. The wendol makes "a low grunting sound, like the rooting of a pig" (p. 97), "h ave hair as long as a hairy dog" (p. 99), and wear the heads of dead animals as masks. They act as if they were brainless and cannot think of ways of attack on the Northmen. The only thing they can think of when they are losing is to retreat. Their ignorance to provide more guards at the second entrance to the thunder cave give the Northmen easy access to kill their leader from the lack of defenses. The best proof of this is that the Northmen are the ones who have the knowledge and intelligence to defeat the wendol. They learn about the second entrance to the cave of thunder, where the mother of the wendol lives, a... ... from Buliwyf. He builds his settlement on a cliff and "dares the gods to strike him down," (p. 77) putting his people in danger because of his vanity, another act that leads to his downfall. Buliwyf is called upon to help and save the settlement of Venden. He leads the people of Venden to build defences, which King Rothgar was unable to do, although he is the king and should have already done so. Buliwyf is the one with the intelligence that eventually drives away the wendol. The pairing of these characters show the stupidity of the Venden royals and nobleman, which causes them so much trouble and requires the help of the Volga Northmen, who are more intelligent. The Northmen arrive at Venden as a group of thirteen and only four remain. All nine who died lost their lives in the battles of physical strength. However, when it comes to the battle of the intelligence and knowledge, all the warriors survived. The lack of intelligence and knowledge of the Venden Northmen and the wendol leads them to a devastating end. From this, it is seen that the intelligence and knowledge one has is truly more important than physical strength, for without the mind, one is useless.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Is the United States winning the war in Iraq? Essay
Is the United States winning the war in Iraq? War is a word that brings a sad feeling in the minds of listener. This word is associated with fight, blood, death, miseries, pain and trouble for many but war is also associated with winning, freedom, and authority. Iraq is a very small country as compare to United States of America, but having a tradition of love for expansion, power and control. On the other hand United States of America, the only existing super power after cold war but seriously threatens by terrorist, expansionist and extremist forces of the world after attacks on twin towers in 2001. US has launched war against terrorism as a counter measure to curb above mentioned forces and attacked Afghanistan which was favored by most of the countries like Britain, Nato Countries etc. Attack on Iraq was also a continuation of War against terrorism due to charges of human rights violation, coalition and support to extremist and terrorist groups coupled with construction of weapons of mass destruction. Iraq was facing sanctions after Iraq Kuwait war in 90’s; its economic conditions were severely awful. Being a country with plenty of natural resources Iraqi people were suffering from economic recession, political aggression, and poor international relations. Iraqi ruler was a dictator having tradition of violating human rights. These issues were not only a threat for United States but to all peace loving forces of the world. All the above facts paved ways for a new turn in War against terrorism. President Bush said it clearly in an interview with MSNBC that â€Å"Americans did not start war against terrorism but we will win it†(Bush, 2004) According to American lobby they are victims rather than slaughterers. America attacked Iraq to safe themselves and all the people of the world because if those weapons of mass destruction will left with Iraqi regime then no individual in any part of the world will be safe. It seems reasonable to the world. Therefore it gained favor from majority of nation and their population. Thomas Donnelly, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) said â€Å"The American and coalition forces invasion was justified and paved ways to a new era of democracy and justice in Middle East. †Iraq claimed that all claims made regarding weapons of mass destruction are bogus and America attacked Iraq because of American strategy to take control over Iraq’s oil reserves and enrich land. It will also give ways towards a solid position in Asia and will helpful in curbing down China. The war started and is still going on and according to officials will not end in near future. Is America winning war in Iraq need many other questions to address for having a clear, unbiased and logical reasoning like what war in Iraq has given United States specifically and to the world generally? War in Iraq brought peace and harmony in the world. It gives strength to the peace loving forces of the world and shows all the dictators and extremist forces of the world that human lives are most important assets and United States of America will not let any one play with innocent souls of innocent civilians. Taking Sadam Hussain’s into American custody gives end to an era of violation, obsession, and victimization. It also convey message to the world that justice is still prevailing in the society. On the other end war in Iraq was fought to save lives of innocent civilians of the world from cruel weapons but the weapons used in Iraq by united forces and America were also cruel because they were also not able to differentiate between terrorist, and innocent people when they explode in markets and civilian places of Iraq. Innocent people were dead due to the attacks in Iraq in fact they are still dying. In these innocent people not only Iraqi civilians are included but it also included all those military officials and soldiers those were dead in Iraq due to the counters attacks and gorilla fights between Iraqi people and United Forces. These soldiers were sent to Iraq on a war that was started to reduce miseries, trouble and pain in lives of 9/11 victim’s families but now their families are suffering with same pain, trouble and miseries of loosing their loved ones. Strategically if one calculates what United States is spending in Iraq till today, it will be equal to millions of dollars and if that money will invest on welfare activities it will resulted in better outcomes. The war in Iraq asks a very important question to all peace loving nations that â€Å"Is war a solution of all problems? †Is life of American those dead in 9/11 and other terrorist attacks are more important than lives of Iraqi and Afghani civilians? Even if America is still not able to prove it claims regarding presence of weapons for mass destruction in Iraq. Is an attack on twin towers is more vital than several attacks on Iraq? No. Definitely not and this is what general consensus is started to develop among neutral actors inside and outside USA. Vast majority in United States of America is feeling that the cause of war against terrorism was correct, genuine and need of the time but the way it was fought should be different. Because if we critically analyze the current situation we will feel that War in Iraq gave us nothing except lesson that â€Å"Any War that is fought with weapons give nothing except pain to both winners and losers. †This concept is enforce by the decision of American nation to giving votes to the democrats in recent elections rather than republicans those election campaign revolves around the effects of war in Iraq and Afghanistan on American nation and the future of war on terror. The war in Iraq was started around three years back and no body knows when it will end. Apparently Sadam Hussain and his allies are in custody, Iraq has American and Coalition forces deputed for peace keeping but there is also a doubt that this war is leading towards the same situation that has happened with USSR for America. â€Å"No one can guarantee that any course of action in Iraq at this point will stop sectarian warfare, growing violence, or a slide toward chaos. If current trends continue, the potential consequences are severe. †(The Iraq study Group report December 2006) because world has seen the what has happened with USSR in Afghanistan, how Afghanis threw them out of their country after more than 8 years and as a result USSR itself was vanished from the map of the world. The solution for this situation is address by Iraq study group in their recent report â€Å"Our most important recommendations call for new and enhanced diplomatic and political efforts in Iraq and the region, and a change in the primary mission of U. S. forces in Iraq that will enable the United States to begin to move its combat forces out of Iraq responsibly. †(The Iraq study Group report December 2006) The war in Iraq is a war between ideologies, it is a war between rights and wrong, it is a war between justice and cruelty but the American Nation as one unit need to develop consensus towards the future strategy against war in Iraq because it will not end unless it will be fought on all possible grounds rather than military and force because weapons can only create destructions, they can only win lands but not hearts of people and United States of America has a tradition of winning hearts with love, sympathy and understanding. Therefore it is essential to understand that â€Å"This struggle must be fought with ideas and undertaken not just by the political leadership and the military but also by all levels of government including diplomatic, informational, economic, social and cultural mean. †(Effect based operations and counter terrorism, pg 27). The conclusion of the prolong war lies in self assessment and self realization. It includes reviewing our strategy and reassessing our goals. The targets are many but the way to achieve them is still ambiguous. The elite leadership of Al Qaeda and Taliban are still out of reach of United States. The strategy need to device through cooperation and collaboration on diplomatic and political fronts to support self sufficient and democratic Iraq where freedom and respect will prevail because peace and harmony in America cannot be kept at sake of Iraq. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Effect based operations and counter terrorism, Air & Space Power Journal fall 05, 2005, Diane Publishing, pg 129 2. Bush clarifies view on war against terrorism ‘We will win,’ just not in conventional way, NBC, MSNBC and news services, national journal. com, Aug. 31, 2004 retrieved on Nov 20th 2006 from http://www. msnbc. msn. com/ID/5865710/ 3. Executive summary of The Iraq study Group report December 2006 4. Iraq transition to power retrieved from http://www. cnn. com/2006/POLITICS/10/23/iraq. poll2/index. html on 15th Dec 2006.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Eating Healthily and Advantages Disadvantages of Foods Essay
Today, every people and every country were all developing and moving forward, by then shall we keep in mind, what make us live until today and keeping us healthy.â€Å"Eating Healthily With A Busy Lifestyle†, is the topic that I chose. By reading the topic, the main point that I chose, straight away in people’s mind they will think of delicious food, delicacy that bring up the appetite, but do they have the time to eat what they want, to enjoy such appetizing meals? Does it suit our healthy life since nowadays we usually eat what we, just like the often phrase we usually heard, saw in the advertisements, ‘eat all you can’ or ‘eat while you can’. Some people neglect the healthy food thing, because they thought that healthy food is boring, not delicious and many more. I have seen people shall I say my friends, colleagues which they don’t consume any type of vegetable. I have few colleagues of mine, whenever we ate together sitting on the same table during dinner night especially, when the waiter brought the meal, and it vegetables, their first thought was they will not take those vegetables, they won’t eat it. Vegetable which contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, helps to protect our immune system, to beautify our skins and many more. It is very, very easy to eat the greens (vegetables), if they doesn’t look tasty, make them look tasty, use our imagination to think how to decorate, form the vegetables to look yummy. Here in this speech I will show how to eat healthily during working hours especially, how we divide our time to unleash our appetite towards healthy and scrumptious food. In this speech I will share what I have learnt and analysed for the healthy food, which is simple to make, and I will also points out of what are the advantages are and also disadvantages of foods especially in our country, Malaysia which most of them were highly contain of cholesterols and calories. And I will be talking on how to keep nutritious snacks on hand, packing your lunch and choosing healthy food when you are at a restaurant.
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