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Monday, August 24, 2020
Something Made A Difference In My Life Essays - Kids,
Something Made A Difference In My Life There are two things throughout my life that are critical to me. One of these things is sports and the other is helping individuals. B-ball has been a piece of my life for a long time. Helping individuals has consistently been significant yet as of late have I had the option to join these two together. Being a Captain on the Varsity Basketball crew in my school is exceptionally satisfying and places a lot of bliss in my life. I love to have the option to lead my group on to the court for defining moments and show them the correct method of getting things done. I attempt to set models on and off the court. One model off the court is assisting the incapacitated children in my school. My group and I set up an exceptional b-ball game for the handicapped kids in my school. This is just one of the extraordinary methods of assisting . I trust it is critical to help the individuals who are unequipped for playing sports. I can get a b-ball and play a game whenever I wish. It harms me to realize that a few children can't that is the reason I attempt my best to cause them to feel uncommon and give them that they can play with us as well. At the Jewish Community Center, where I play b-ball too, we have Hanukah parties for the crippled kids. We give blessings out, hit the dance floor with them and mess around as well. It feels extraordinary to play with them and give them that they're very little unique then us, we as a whole simply need to make some great memories. These occasions are genuinely unique in my life and I trust it they are exceptional for the debilitated children as well. It requires some investment and persistence to help impaired youngsters and I'm happy that my group, the J.C.C., and I were fit for assisting. Ideally I can accomplish increasingly charitable effort or unique occasions in school. The vast majority would prefer not to be disturbed however once you see the grins on these children faces you know your accomplishing something for a decent purpose and you and the children feel like you can accomplish any objectives you set your heart on. Catalog none
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Freud V Erickson Essay -- Psychology Psychologists Compare Contrast
Sigmund Freud is presumably the most natural name that strikes a chord when one considers renowned analysts. Freud was conceived in Freiberg, Moravia in 1856, yet when he was four years of age his family moved to Vienna, where Freud was to live and work until the most recent year of his life. The extent of Freud's inclinations, and of his expert preparing, was wide - he constantly viewed himself as above all else a researcher, attempting to expand the compass of human information, and to this end, instead of to the act of medication, he selected at the clinical school at the University of Vienna in 1873. He focused at first on science, doing research in physiology for a long time under the incomparable German researcher Ernst Brã ¼cke, who was executive of the Physiology Laboratory at the University, from there on work in nervous system science. In the long run, Freud set up a private practice in the treatment of mental issue, which gave him a great part of the clinical material on which he based his hypotheses and his spearheading techniques.(Amacher) Freud's hypotheses of improvement depended vigorously on the conviction that childish sexuality must be viewed as a basic piece of a more extensive formative hypothesis of human character. This had its roots in, and was a speculation of, Breuer's prior disclosure that awful youth occasions could have crushing antagonistic impacts upon the grown-up individual, and appeared as the general theory that youth sexual encounters were the vital factors in the assurance of the grown-up personality.(Freud2) From his record of the senses or drives it followed that from the snapshot of birth the newborn child is driven in his activities by the longing for real/sexual delight, where this is seen by Freud in practically mechanical terms as the craving to discharge mental vitality. This goes on until adolescence, when full grown genital advancement starts, and the joy drive pulls together around the genital area.(Amacher) It was additionally a companion and individual psychoanalyst of Freud’s, Erik Erickson, who made one of the significant speculations that open a window to the advancement of everything that makes us who we are within. It is alluded to as Erickson’s Theory of Human Development and it streamlines the mind boggling subject of human personality.(Miller) Initially, let’s talk about the man himself. Erik Homberger was conceived in Frankfurt, Germany in 1902. The conditions ... ...accepted that character kept on creating over the life expectancy and depicts phases of grown-up advancement not considered by Freud. The two scholars underlined the oblivious, however Erickson went past this to talk about the significance of the aggregate oblivious; a thought Freud especially dismissed. The two scholars had minimal physical proof to help their theory, anyway due to the beginning times of advancement that the field of brain science was in, they were acknowledged dependent on merit, and have been later assessed by proof, and a few sections acknowledged and others ignored. List of sources Amacher, Peter. 'Freud's Neurological Education and Its Influence on Psychoanalytic Theory.'Psychological Issues IV, no. 4, monograph 16. New York: International Universities Press, 1965. Battino, R., and South, T. 1997. Ericksonian Approaches: A Comprehensive Manual. Neuyptology Press Freud, Sigmund, Brill, A. An., ed. (1938). The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud, New York: The Modern Library Freud, Sigmund. (1935). An Autobiographical Study., London: Hogarth Press. Mill operator, P. (1983). Speculations of Developmental Psychology. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
The Secret Financial History of Commercialized Christmas
The Secret Financial History of Commercialized Christmas The Secret Financial History of Commercialized Christmas The Secret Financial History of Commercialized ChristmasChristmas started getting commercialized well before the 20th century, but it took Coca-Cola to launch a certain jolly old elf into the commercial stratosphere.Tis the season to be… spending?! Yes, it’s true. Thats because the Christmas is far more than just a religious holiday. It also means shopping season, both in the United States and in many other countries around the world.So why is it this way? Here’s how David Barbour, co-founder of Vivio Life Sciences (@viviolifesciences) answered that: “The nature of commerce and consumerism. The people want times designated for shopping and sales, and retailers want customer influx.Commerce will continue to expand, and holidays are a tribute to such realities. People love to buy things and receive presents and rejoice in spending money. And companies love making money on big holidays. It is almost mandatory for retailers, both online and with physical locations, to offer holid ay sales and promotions.â€But how did it get this way? Let’s hitch a ride with the Ghost of Holiday Shopping Seasons Past and find out. It all begins with a saint named Nick.The first time Christmas was officially celebrated on December 25th was in 336 AD in Rome. The Emperor at the time was Constantine, the first Christian Roman Emperor. It is unclear if he hoped the celebration would boost the economy through an increase in shopping at the Roman forum.The “real†Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas of Myra, was still alive at the time of that first “official†Christmas. He probably didn’t have any reindeer given that he lived in modern-day Turkey, but he was known for his generosity and gift-giving, which inspired the Dutch icon of Sinterklaas.But while neither Christmas nor Saint Nick were initially capitalistic entities, they actually started becoming intertwined with commerce earlier than you might think.Santa baby, you know I’ve been an awfully good shopper.While our cur rent idea of shopping seasons and GDP-boosting holiday spending may be uniquely recent, there were older precedents. Tim Connaghan, National Santa (@SantaHollywood), gave us a crash course on the commercial history of Christmas and Santa:“Surprisingly, in medieval times, St. Nicholas was part of the festivities during market times following All Saints’ Day, when the farmers and craftsmen would barter and trade at market to prepare for the coming winter months. In those times, the feast of St. Nicholas was on December 6th, and in the weeks preceding his feast, there might be plays or parades honoring the Saint, and children knew they might be rewarded on his feast if they had been good.“This early element of marketing, beginning November 1st, has carried over to our modern day Holiday Season. And the only big change came when the Protestant Reformation, espoused by Martin Luther, eliminated the adoration of saints, including Nicholas, thus eliminating the gift giving from the s aint. In its place, Luther promoted the gift giving to come from the Christ Child and be on his birthday, December 25th. And the Christ Mass eventually became Christmas. Along the way, the Winter Solstice also disappeared, with Christmas taking its place.â€But how exactly did the Santa Claus you see in the mall come to be?“There is lots more to go with the evolution of the American Santa: Beginning in the early 19th Century, starting with the writings of Washington Irving, to Clement Moore’s poem A Visit From St. Nicholas giving us detailed descriptions, all leading to the illustrations from Thomas Nast which gave us a visual image of Santa. Then in 1931, Haddon Sundblom was commissioned to create a wholesome looking Santa for a Coca-Cola advertising campaign. With Coke’s very well developed advertising, the image of Santa reached millions and firmly established today’s most popular look. He would annually create new images of the Coca-Cola Santa for over thirty years.So wh ile it’s common to hear pundits mourn the commercialization of Christmas, much of what we know of Christmas has either been tied to or even originated from commercialization.The reason for the season.But even if Christmas as we know it is inherently commercial, that doesn’t mean the holiday season can’t still be meaningful. After all, people have used the cold winter months as a time to reflect and spend time with loved ones for millennia.“Yes there is a strong commercialism to Christmas,†acknowledged Connaghan. “One reason Valentine Davies wrote Miracle on 34th Street was because he was worried about the commercialization and hoped that this story would give many a chance to look at Christmas in a different light.“It is unique that this element of giving at the Christmas season has continued for over seventeen centuries. But it is not just because of advertising and marketing. It’s also about parents and family wanting to do something for their children or each of us wanting to do something for a friend, or loved one, or possibly someone in need. There is a special ‘warm’ feeling that we enjoy when giving.“St. Nicholas gave away all of his wealth in caring for others and, in doing so was trying to teach us to care about our fellow man, and when possible or necessary, to give and assist. It does not always have to be gifts or money, but can also be in giving our time and service to assist others. And in doing so, we get to enjoy some wonderful feelings.â€So whether you’re shopping, spending time with loved ones, or getting Chinese food and watching a movie, we hope you have a great holiday season. If you enjoyed this story, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:The Secret Financial History of Voting25 Little-Known Presidential Money FactsMoney at the Movies: Does Box Office Gold Mean a Best Picture Win?The 12 Worst Financial Scandals In HistoryWhat else do you want to know about the financial side of history? Let u s know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.ContributorsDavid Barbour is the co-founder of Vivio Life Sciences (@viviolifesciences), a wellness company that applies fundamental biology to help people target health, natural beauty, and well-being.National Santa Tim Connaghan (@SantaHollywood) has served in the Red Suit since 1969. That’s fifty years! He has gone from his first volunteer task in Vietnam to working for National Department Stores, to joining with other celebrities at events, to appearing in National and International Commercials, and presiding over major National media events. As the National Santa for the Marine Toys for Tots, he volunteers and coordinates Santa visit all across the U.S. He is also the Official Santa for the Hollywood Christmas Parade.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Lottery, By Shirley Jackson And The Yellow Wallpaper
Reading The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Gilman make the reader so passionate to know what is going to happen next because they are two of the most expressive and meaningful stories that have lots of great deep meanings. These stories share so many similarities when it comes to symbols, themes, and conflicts. Although The Lottery and The Yellow Wallpaper do not have the same plot, their themes have some similarities like following unfair traditions and women’s subordination that make readers interested in comparing and contrasting them. Every author of fictional stories uses different methods to develop themes in their stories uniquely. In these stories, both authors use symbolism to help them develop themes in a unique way that have deep hidden meanings. Also, authors in both stories uses symbolism to identify some of the events throughout the story. Symbolism in The lottery is mainly represented by the black box and the lottery itself. The black box is more symbolic because of its color.Most of the time, black color represents death or/and bad events. The original paraphernalia for the Lottery had been lost long ago, and the black box now resting on the stool have been put into use even before old man Warner, the oldest man in the town, was born (par. 5). On the other hand, symbolism in The Yellow Wallpaper is mainly represented by the wallpaper itself. In the story, the wallpaper isShow MoreRelatedFeminism, The Yellow Wallpaper, And Jackson s The Lottery1205 Words  | 5 Pages1970s. The feminist movement started after the 1970s. Women such as Adrienne Rich (poet), Charlotte Perkins Gilman (feminist) and Shirley Jackson (writer), are women that used their works of literature to show their views on the ways men controlled their wives physically and mentally. Rich wrote Living In Sin, Gilman wrote The Yellow Wallpaper, and Jackson wrote The Lottery. Although each work of literature is written by a different author, they each have the same common theme, feminism. These writersRead More Essay on Appearance vs Reality in Yellow Wallpaper, Story of an Hour, and Lottery1166 Words  | 5 PagesAppearance versus Reality in Yellow Wallpaper, Story of an Hour, and Lottery     Authors often write literature to have an emotional impact on the reader. These effects vary from work to work, and they may include happiness, sorrow, anger, or shock. Even authors who try to achieve the same effect may go about it in very different ways. This paper discusses three short stories written to shock the reader, but each uses a different method to achieve its effect. While Kate Chopins The StoryRead MoreSymbolism1922 Words  | 8 Pagesobject. Shirley Jackson is the author of â€Å"The Lottery†and Charlotte Perkins Gilman is the author of â€Å"The Yellow Wall-Paper†, both express vital symbols in their short stories. To better understand symbolism written in the text you want to familiarize yourself with the author’s work and style. Often times the author represents the important issue of the time in which the author lived, or has personal significance to the writer. Miss Jackson was widely known as the author of The Lottery, a shortRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of `` The Yellow Wallpaper `` By Charlotte Perkins Gilman894 Words  | 4 Pagesactions have the opposite effect of what was intended. The author, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, uses situational irony in The Yellow Wallpaper to make the plot of her story interesting. In her short story the narrator is moved to a temporary home due to her health and is not allowed to do anything, which makes her go insane. She becomes so obsessed with the yellow wallpaper in her room, she convinces herself a woman is trapped inside the thin paper and she must be set free. Situational irony is ironyRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper And The Lottery Essay847 Words  | 4 Pagestraditions are viewed as customs that unify people, strengthening relationships between family, friends, and community. In contrast, Shirley Jackson and Charlotte Perkins Gilman blatantly exhibit how outdated traditions in history have severed relations amongst people, acting as divisive forces rather than unifying practices. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†and â€Å"The Lottery†, old traditions of the societies in the stories incite conflict amongst the characters, negatively influencing relationships betweenRead MoreEffects of Thirdperson and First Person1197 Words  | 5 PagesWhile a story told in the third person gives you a little more freedom, you wont be limited to only one thought. â€Å"The Lottery,†by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"The Story of an Hour,†by Kate Chopin are both told in the third person, which creates an interesting twist. Conversely, two stories that make you think and wonder, because they are being told in the first person are â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and â€Å"Cathedral,†written by Raymond Carver. When comparing these stories in the sameRead MoreAnalysis : The Five Eighty Eight And Stone Mattress 1746 Words  | 7 Pages were affected by abuse, I decided to change my paper’s focus on the role of women in literature. Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tessie Hutchinson in â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson, Delia Jones in â€Å"Sweat†by Zora Neale Hurston, and the unnamed narrator in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman are all women who are seen of as less than their husbands. Patrick 3 The Role of Women in Literature From the earliest civilizations on earth to the 20thRead MoreThe Lottery by Shirley Jackson574 Words  | 2 PagesCould you imagine having your name pulled out of the lottery? It is everyone’s dream to hit that jackpot, and obtain any prize that is in store for them. What if the prize wasn’t cash or your dream boat? What if it entailed a city wide gathering in your name with the intentions of you getting stoned? That doesn’t seem like a dream come true. That is exactly what happens in the short story â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson. This horrific tale is about a mass city wide gathering where everyone participatesRead MoreAn Analysis of Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper693 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿1. The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1899) contains elements that could be construed as a feminist take on a paternalistic society or a gothic ghost story. When the writer states that  ¦ he hardly lets me stir without di rection, I cant imagine anything more claustrophobic. Given the period in which this is written, it makes sense that this attitude is fueled by the endemic paternalism of the time. When the heads with bulging eyes began to appear in the wallpaper, as if theseRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1996 Words  | 8 Pagesall over the world. The semi finalists were Henry Lawson with ‘The Drovers Wife,’ Barbara Baynton with ‘The Chosen Vessel,’ Katherine Mansfield with ‘The Fly’ and Shirley Jackson with ‘The Lottery.’ We had a high calibre of contestants this year and the winner is Charlotte Perkins Gilman with ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’ ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ is a short story that emphasises a young woman struggling with the negative impacts of mental illness such as depression and nervous breakdowns. Through the fantastic
Friday, May 8, 2020
A Raisin Of The Sun, By Lorraine Hansberry And Down These...
Racial prejudice and discrimination often leaves its victim in a weak and vulnerable state; it elicits emotions of helplessness, non-belonging, and may manifest itself in a binding and enduring identity crisis. In the course of American history, decades of progress have been made to amend the wrongs of slavery, the wrongs of discrimination and prejudice, and the wrongs of segregation and morally conflicting understandings of equality. People such as Martin Luther King Jr. had helped pushed for accelerated progress for a united and humanitarian front as an ideal of the American society. It was in these times of great national disparity rose the greatest civil rights development and movements. However, progress has never been swift, and mental afflictions were and are still cast over millions of those who are affected. The mind is not always so resilient of the back-lashing negativity derived from the segregated society. Seen in the play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry and Do wn These Mean Streets by Piri Thomas, there exists a world of segregation and racism that ultimately affects their life choices and mentality of identity. Furthermore, it goes on to fundamentally question the entire notion of white versus black or white versus brown, and from it, the derived racial categories along with social, political, and economic discourse the white society creates for minority opportunities and equality. Down these Mean Streets follow a bildungsroman type of storyline,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Biographical Narrative Essay Free Essays
â€Å"Work isn’t to make money, you work to justify life†-Marc Chagall When I was younger, everything was handed to me. Well, not everything but most of what I wanted or thought I needed like new clothes, toys, the latest electronics things that cost money. When the economy started to crash thing had to change around my house. We will write a custom essay sample on Biographical Narrative Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now My mother lost her job and my dad’s pay was cut short plus on top of that he was sick for 8 months with a type of liver disease. We had to cut down on how much money we spent especially on the wants compared to our needs. With our financial struggle I had to learn how to live with the things that I already had and not want what other people had. Having my first job as a snow cone maker I also had to learn that you have to work for the things you want in life. Nothing in life is just handed to you, you have to earn it. My parents always reminded us that we had it better than others which helped me appreciate the things I had a little more. When I got my first job I started to appreciate the money that was spent on me because I knew what hard work it took to earn it. I started working at age 15 for a kettle corn and snow cone vendor called Hunsaker Bros Kettle Corn. I can remember my first day at work, shaking nerves up and down my spine, thinking of smart word that I can put in my sentences when I talk to my first costumer. All I wanted to do was to please my boss and be the best worker I can be. By working hard, I learned that it takes great responsibility to maintain a good work ethic. Learning these responsibilities and good work ethics I have managed to provide for myself. I now know how to pay bills, separate necessities with desires and manage my funds. Before, when my parents would always pay my Iphone bill and complain to me that it is too expensive, my response was always â€Å"Well, if you can pay for a brand new refrigerator we can pay for my I phone! It’s something that we ‘have’ to pay for†. Having a job has given me a different perspective on what money is spent on. I never thought how much money is wasted on things that don’t even matter in life. In life, we get side tracked on useless material objects. It is very controversial on what we believe are wants versus our needs. I remember going school shopping for clothes and I asked my mom for a pair of rock revival jeans. In my mind it was a necessity, it was a piece of clothing that I â€Å"needed†to make me cool and dress like everyone else. But in reality, it was a pair of jeans that was more for luxury and high price which I ended up getting four pairs of off brand jeans for the price of one. I now understand why my mom managed to spend money on my sibling and I so wisely. Each penny that was spent on us was worked hard for and then given to us. I have learned from my parents that if I want something in life, the only way to accomplish it is to work hard, and then I will deserve it. Earning my own money at a young age has impacted my life as I enter adulthood by giving me goals that I want to accomplish later in life and setting morals and responsibilities. I also realized that life isn’t about living for making money or how much money you make but what you have to leave behind as a person. Nothing in life is given for free you have to work hard and earn it. How to cite Biographical Narrative Essay, Essays
Monday, April 27, 2020
Procter Gamble
The modern society is in a constant progress. The growth of new tendencies involves all the aspects of the people’s life, especially those ones which are connected with the technological development. Today, people have the great opportunities to interact with each other and get the necessary information with the help of a lot of mobile devices.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Procter Gamble specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More That is why, the world of mobile devices and smartphones of the new generation is attractive for marketers as the field for expanding the information about the brands, organizations, and products with using the special advertisements. Mobile advertising is important for promoting different products with the focus on attracting the target audience. From this point, advergaming as the possibility to use the information about the brands and products in games is more interesting and rather progressive type of advertising than mobile advertising which became extremely popular during the recent decade. To meet the requirements of the developed market and draw the potential consumers, many companies use mobile advertising as well as advergaming, and Procter Gamble is such a company which promotes the products of its many brands using all the modern approaches to advertising. Mobile advertising began to develop rapidly when marketers worked out the strategy to promote their products with the help of messages. The weak point of this strategy is associated with the aspects of the privacy policy and permission concerns. The active usage of the possibilities of the Internet connection in mobile devices allowed the concentration on presenting advertisements in the form of mobile Web banners and posters, videos, and jingles. Procter Gamble uses mobile advertising for promoting all its brands with accentuating the advantages of interactive advertisements, videos, and only then mobile Web banners and posters. Using mobile advertising, Procter Gamble concentrates not only on the brand awareness but also on increasing the impact of the advertisements on the target audience. In this case, the accents are made on the emotional impact realized with the help of interactive advertisements and videos.Advertising Looking for essay on advertising? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, Procter Gamble promotes Gillette Fusion using the iPhone application to let the potential consumers virtually shave the faces (Butcher). Video advertisements available for mobiles are used to present the brand with emphases on the information important for customers. Following the recent tendencies in advergaming, Procter Gamble focused on the target women’s audience for promoting CoverGirl cosmetics brand. The marketers developed the special game Girls’ Night Out Solitaire based on the traditional Solit aire game popular with women (â€Å"CoverGirl ® and LimeLife Partner†). The main advantages of the game are in the fact its price directly depends on the customers’ buying the brand product and entering the UPC code for receiving the discount, the game is characterized by the placement of the brand within it, the game orients to the personalization features of the players, provides a number of activities with the ‘virtual girlfriends’ within the game. From this point, advergaming is effective for stimulating the interest of the target audience to the definite products and brands. Procter Gamble develops strategies and uses new approaches for promoting its products. The accents are made on Web banners, posters, videos, and interactive advertisements instead of messaging which can involve certain permission concerns. Mobile advertising and advergaming can be discussed as effective means because they help to evoke the interest of the target audience in a p roduct and stimulate its further purchasing. Works Cited Butcher, Dan. Procter Gamble Proves Mobile Advertising Is a Given. 21 Jan. 2011. Web. We will write a custom essay sample on Procter Gamble specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More CoverGirl ® and LimeLife Partner to Offer Girls’ Night Outâ„ ¢ Solitaire Mobile Game Fun. n.d. Web. This essay on Procter Gamble was written and submitted by user Elsie R. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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